Birthday wishes go out to Rebecca Rider, Heidi Chasse, Carrie Jackson, Madeline Wilcox, Madelyn Buzza, Mike Eaton, Jeff Lavway, Sharmon Clark, Burns Brown, Bonnie Landry, Marilyn Carter, Sierra Galipeau, Piper Galipeau, Katelyn McPherson, Margaret McPherson, Sharon McLaughlin, Isaac Raymond, Tony Boucher, Tristen Woodworth, Frank Clair, Brooke Carney, Gladys Brewer and Pam McEachern.
Castle Hill Grange Hall
The Castle Hill Grange Hall Preservation Society is trying to get estimates to do the front hall. They need to raise about $1,000 more to complete the project. If anyone would like to volunteer to help with the project either to raise money or donate time, please contact any member.
The Society still has cookbooks for sale. They make great gifts for friends, relatives, and former citizens of Castle Hill. They are in the Town Office or from any member. Cookbooks are $7 each and contain over 175 recipes.
They are renting the hall from May to October only on a limited basis for family reunions, birthday parties, and showers. The price will be $100 and the $25 deposit will be returned if the hall is left clean. If interested or for more information, contact any member.
They are requesting that anyone who has knowledge of a veteran who served in the military between 1903 to the present to write or call Natalie Maynard, 2877 State Road, Castle Hill, Maine 04757 or 764-4878. They need names, dates, and any information you can give them so they can place the names on a sign or in a book in the future. The person must have been a resident of Castle Hill at the time of service.
They are searching for new members. Their meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of each month from February through November. Dues are $10 (working member), $15 (non-working member) and $100 (lifetime member). Please join us so we can keep the hall a center of our town.
United Methodist Church
The Mapleton United Methodist Church luncheons are held every Friday at 11:30 a.m. The next luncheon is Friday, Jan. 12. This is open to the public and there is no cost. Donations are accepted. Hope to see you there.
Cubs — Pack 170 — Any questions on joining, please contact Adam Rider at 764-6897 or Mike Eaton at 764-3762 or e-mail him at
Boys — Troop 170 — Holds their weekly meeting on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. For more information on joining, contact Scoutmaster Bud Hoffses at 764-4885.
Senior Citizens
The Mapleton Chapman Castle Hill Seniors Citizens meets every Monday – except the fifth Monday – at Mapletree Estates.