The Star City in transition

18 years ago

Presque Isle is transitioning from a small city in central Aroostook County to the thriving commercial service center for all of northern Maine.     In 2005, under the leadership of Chairperson Calvin Hall, the Presque Isle City Council took the initiative to discuss this trend and began the process of reevaluating how the city does business in order to better position Presque Isle to take full advantage of the upcoming opportunities. At the same time, however, we also recognized that being a service center community brings unique challenges that need to be addressed as well. It is this transitioning process that the Presque Isle City Council began to take action on in 2006 and will continue in 2007.
For example, last year we began by asking our City Manager and Department Heads to re-evaluate how they do business to ensure that the services provided are the highest quality at the most cost effective and efficient manner possible. We also hired an assistant planner to facilitate and coordinate the effort to revitalize our downtown and update our comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance, made the difficult decision to tear down Cunningham Middle School and renovated one of our missile hangars to accommodate our Public Works Department.
In 2007 the Council will continue to look for efficiencies in all the services that the city provides as we attempt to hold down or decrease our mill rate while at the same time look for opportunities to increase revenues. (An entire article could be devoted to discussing the complex issues that ultimately affect the mill rate.) Also on our agenda will be implementing actions, at a considerable cost, to address our landfill issue as determined by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, completing our much needed updated comprehensive plan, and analyzing the feasibility of developing a new recreation complex.
The Council’s agenda is quite full for 2007 and I urge all of our residents to become involved in the process by contacting any council member or our City Manager to express your opinion. Also please consider attending one of the Council meetings or watch them on our cable network. The Council meets on the first and third Monday of the month at 6 p.m. We take our job very seriously and truly value your opinion.
Exciting opportunities lay ahead for the Star City and the Council is working to ensure that we’re well positioned to take full advantage of them.
Walt Elish is chairperson of the Presque Isle City Council. He can be reached at or by phone in the evening at 764-1657.