Businesswomen make donation

18 years ago
By Kathy McCarty  
Staff Writer

    PRESQUE ISLE – All too often, an individual might think ‘what difference can one person make?’ For a group of local businesswomen, the answer is ‘a great deal, when efforts are combined.’
    Such was the case recently when a group of six self-employed lia sophia sales advisors decided to join forces to help the Sister Mary O’Donnell Homeless Shelter in Presque Isle.
    “After hearing the news of the homeless shelter in Presque Isle being in financial trouble, our group wanted to do something to help,” said Division Manager Mary Wilcox.
     Each made a contribution of their own, with matching funds coming from their division manager. When the collecting was done, the group was able to donate $1,000 to the shelter. Participating in this effort were: Wilcox, Heidi O’Clair-Thompson and Allison Reed, all of Easton; Nancy Nichols, of Presque Isle; Lezlie Willette, of Chapman; and Jeanine Morneault, of Caribou.
    The common bond for these women was a desire to help others.
    “Besides doing home shows for individuals, we’ve conducted fund-raisers for many groups and organizations as well. Giving back to our own community is something we all firmly believe in, especially helping those less fortunate or in need,” said Wilcox.
    This latest donation will help the homeless shelter continue to keep its doors open full-time for the immediate future.
    “We now have enough funds to keep the shelter open, 24/7, through the end of February. We still haven’t been able to restore some of our services, including our social worker position, but at least we can keep the doors open around the clock,” said Susan Mitchell, executive director of the shelter.
    Keeping the doors open around the clock is especially important, considering temperatures have been reaching the sub-zero range for well over a week now.
    “I’d hate to think what would happen to the people who need our services, if we had to turn them away on such cold days,” said Mitchell. “It’s through donations like this one that we are able to offer a warm place for individuals to get out of the cold.”
    In addition to helping on a local level, lia sophia also works at a corporate level to improve conditions for individuals across the country.
    “In addition to helping locally, lia Sophia is very proud to be a corporate sponsor of the Dress for Success program. Dress for Success is a non-profit organization that assists economically challenged women transition from unemployment to self-sufficiency,” said Wilcox.
    For more information or to make a donation to the shelter, contact: Homeless Services of Aroostook, Inc., PO Box 1753, Presque Isle, ME 04769, or phone 764-5114.
    If you’d like more information about lia sophia, contact one of the sales advisors or go to For more information on the Dress for Success program, go to