Homemakers meet

18 years ago

The Spragueville Homemakers Extension held its November meeting at the home of LaVone Walters Nov. 27, with nine members present.
President Lois Griffin called the meeting to order; the Homemakers Creed was then recited.
Roll Call was taken by Rose Barnes.  Lois then recorded volunteer hours.
     Rose also gave the Secretary/Treasurer’s Reports in the absence of Marilyn Wheeler.  A “thank you” note was read from Janet Snow for the Extension’s donation to the Dana Farber Institute in memory of her mother.  Rose also read a “thank you” from herself in appreciation for all that was done to make her surprise 80th birthday celebration such a special occasion.
Under Old Business:  Members who attended the Aroostook Fall Meeting in Caribou gave a review of the productive business meeting, lovely lunch, and interesting program, consisting of four very artistic and crafty ladies giving demonstrations on creating holiday centerpieces, making felt handbags, “crackling” items (to give an antique look), and “punch quilting.”  Everyone certainly enjoyed the very informative program.
It was reported that the group’s “adopted grandson,” Kyle Allen, would soon be arriving home from his tour of duty in Iraq.  It is hoped that Kyle will be able to join the group and tell of his experiences, and perhaps supply a name of another troop member for the group to “adopt.”
Under New Business:  It was reported that member Blanche Beckwith was in the rehab unit of the nursing home recovering from  a fractured hip due to a fall.  A “get well” gesture will be sent to Blanche from the Extension.
It was voted to purchase a Christmas meal for a needy family; also, a turkey for the GIFT food cupboard.
Gift certificates will again be purchased for honorary members.
LaVone Walters reported for the Nominating Committee, and announced the Extension Officers for the 2007-2009 serving period.  The officers will be President, Lois Griffin; Vice President, Tammy Wheeler; Secretary/Treasurer, Lavone Walters; Historian, Blanche Beckwith; Sunshine Lady, Kay Guerrette; Food Leaders, Mona Cyr and Rose Barnes; Publicity, Ann Knight and Tammy Wheeler.
Following adjournment of the business meeting, the program consisted of members telling of personal holiday memories and family traditions.  Needless to say, this was a very nostalgic and interesting time to hear all the varied stories.
Members were asked at the previous meeting to bring recipes of favorite holiday treats, some of  which were brought and served following this special program.
On Dec. 11, 13 members attended the annual Christmas Party at the home of Rose Barnes.  Prior to the social time, a short business meeting was held.  Following the Call to Order, Roll Call, recording of the volunteer hours, Secretary/Treasurer Marilyn Wheeler gave her reports.  She said that a “get well” box and card had been delivered to Blanche Beckwith, who was now at home and doing well.  She also reported that the Christmas meal for a needy family and turkey for the food cupboard had been taken care of.  Gift certificates had been purchased for the honorary members, two of which were present at this meeting; the others will be home delivered or sent by mail.
This meeting was Marilyn’s final one serving as secretary/treasurer; a special “thank you” was extended to her for all the time and dedication she has given to these offices during the past years.
President Lois asked members to be thinking of ideas for the 2007 Fair Booth; the theme will be “Patriotic Salute.”
It was voted to give a substantial donation to the Sister Mary O’Donnell Homeless Shelter to aid in its dire financial situation.
Tammy Wheeler thanked the group for their contribution toward the “Aroostookopoly” game to benefit the Methodist “Youth 2007” trip to Greensboro, NC.
Tammy also informed the group of a possible upcoming project with the James School Board of Directors, in conjunction with UMPI.  The group expressed an interest in helping with the project if it transpires.  More information will be forthcoming.
Following adjournment, the social time began with a game of passing bagged canned soup around a circle right or left, as LaVone read a story.  Many laughs were had during this story time!  The canned soup was brought in place of a Yankee Swap gift; the soup was to benefit the GIFT food cupboard.  Lo and behold, during the social time, a visit was paid by Santa, all dressed up in his red suit and black boots! This unexpected visitor certainly added to the festive evening!  Also during the social time, Ann Knight read two comical Christmas-themed stories.
All members present contributed to the beautiful and delicious buffet table of refreshments.
An enjoyable time was had by all!
The Extension’s next meeting was planned at Ann Knight’s home on Jan. 22.