Young authors win awards

18 years ago

ASHLAND, Maine – Students from all three middle school grades at Ashland Middle School participated in this year’s Young Authors Writing Contest. 

     The contest encourages young writers to submit their work for a published hardcover book called “Potatoes and Pussywillows.”  The book is a compilation of writings from students in grades four through eight.
The book’s 2007 edition is now being printed with the stories of winners from throughout Aroostook County. Students from Ashland submitted stories that fit the chapter titles of the book, including:  Just for Fun, Family and Friends, Adventure, Animal Tales, Fantasy, Seasonal Lore, Feelings, Dreams and Reflections, and Aroostook County Heritage.
Four winners were chosen to represent Ashland at the Spring Writers’ Conference sponsored by Aroostook Right to Read and the University of Maine at Presque Isle. The conference will feature a Maine author who writes for young audiences.
The winners and their story titles are:  grade 6 – Kelsey Paradis’ story “Teddy and I” and Emily Reese’s poem “Gone Forever.” The seventh grade winner is Christina MacDonald. Her story is titled “More Than Just Gold Foil.” Rylee Graham’s poem, “Lost Friendship, Hopeful Dreams,” was the 8th grade winner. All participants celebrated their accomplishments and had a chance to share their writing at a punch and cookies reception held in Language Arts teacher Mrs. Packard’s classroom. Certificates were given to the winners. Students read their stories with pride and smiles.