National FFA Agriscience Fair program

18 years ago

Paul Deschaine and Robb Johnston, members of the Presque Isle FFA Chapter, competed in the National FFA Agriscience Fair program.
    The event was held during the 79th National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Oct. 25-28. Participants from 40 associations defended their projects against other entries for judging in 20 divisions. Deschaine’s and Johnston’s project, Life in a Dirty Fish Tank, was on display at convention in the National FFA Agriscience Fair area of the FFA National Agriculture Career Show. Categories for competition were biochemistry/microbiology/food science; botany, engineering, environmental science and zoology. The four divisions divide students in grades 7-12. Each winning participant received either a cash award or scholarship. The agriscience fair program is sponsored by Ford Motor Co. Fund as a special project of the National FFA Foundation. It is one of many ways FFA combines classroom teaching and hands-on learning to prepare youth for future success.