Farming tradition lives online

18 years ago

To the editor:
It would be great if the Aroostook papers let their newspaper readers know about the following historical online diaries of Aroostook families using blog technolgies:
Diary of an Aroostook Farmer
Milton Flewelling, Easton, Maine 1919-1930 (work in progress); transcribed and posted by Sheila Antworth Lafferty
Diaries of Robert Murphy Fulton, Mars Hill Maine
Robert M Fulton of Mars Hill, Maine. late 1890\’s (work in progress); transcribed by Rodney Lee Fulton; posted online by Sheila  Antworth Lafferty
Diary of an 1892 Farmer\’s Wife
Josephine Jordan, Washburn & Presque Isle, Maine
transcribed and posted by Herrick Kimball

Sheila Lafferty
Watertown, Conn.