Food sale planned during Winterfest

18 years ago

United Methodist Women
The monthly meeting of the UMW was held in the church vestry at 1 p.m. on Feb. 12 with 10 members present. After welcoming the members, President Janice Footer led in the Purpose Pledge and Prayer.
    President Footer announced that she had to leave early, so the order of the meeting was changed. She announced that the first Lenten service of the United Methodist Church Cluster will be at the Mars Hill Church on Sunday, Feb. 25. Time was spent planning for the refreshments following the 4 p.m. service.
Vice President Goldie Folsom conducted the remainder of the meeting. The secretary’s report was read and accepted as read. Several thank-you notes were read.
The treasurer’s report was read and accepted as read. Treasurer Joan Walsh gave the annual treasurer’s report, which represented much time and effort.
As the meeting was on “Pledge & Budget,” the treasurer presented the proposed budget for 2007. All members had a part in deciding what charities to support, what to reduce spending on and what to eliminate.  Members voted to accept the 2007 budget.
Annual pledge money was collected and sent to the Northern UMW District treasurer.
Members voted to hold a food sale in connection with the Winterfest on March 10. Members signed up to cook and help serve.
After the benediction, the meeting was turned over to Joan Walsh and Frances Banks. Frances read a well-known favorite poem which had a great message. Joan gave a very educational and interesting book report on Mohammed Yunus’ “Banker of the Poor” and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. He made money available for poor people to start their own business.  His ideas have already had a great impact on the Third World.
Delicious refreshments were served by Frances and Joan. Those present were: Janice Footer, Goldie Folsom, Joan Walsh, Frances Banks, Joan Boone, Ruth Sylvester, Elaine Bailey, Maxine Blanchard, Diane Ketchum and Clara Hussey.

Senior citizen meals
The Central Aroostook High School cafeteria will be a meal site for area senior citizens on Tuesdays, Beginning Feb. 27. Senior citizens will be served at 12 noon each Tuesday that school is in session. The cost of the meal will be $3.25, payable at the meal site.
Please call Sylvia at 429-8464 by the Monday before each Tuesday to sign up.

Spring Adult Education
The spring semester of SAD 42 Adult Education classes began on Monday, Feb. 26, and will run through Thursday, April 12. All classes begin at 6 p.m.
Classes will be held at Central Aroostook High School and include: Windows XP – Mondays and Thursdays with Instructor Kathy Craig; Intro to Microsoft Excel 2003 – Tuesdays with Instructor Stephen Dame; Quilting – Mondays and Thursdays with Instructor Patsy Glidden; Primitive Stitchery – Tuesdays with Instructor Wendy Grass; Crafts and More – Thursdays with Instructor Susan Watson; Woodworking – Thursdays with Instructor Beaver Bell; and Gardening – Tuesdays with Instructors Bonnie and Jim Kinney.
A new class for senior citizens is Surfing the Internet. It will be offered on two nights only: Monday, April 23, and Thursday, April 26, with Instructor Kathy Craig.
A registration fee of $15 will be charged for each class and pre-registration is required. Senior citizens 60 years of age and older will be admitted free of charge.
For more information and/or to register, please call Kathy at the Superintendent’s Office at 425-3771.
Some classes are limited in space.

Rotary Club
The Mars Hill Rotary Club met on Tuesday morning at 6:30 a.m. at the Aroostook Health Center in Mars Hill. The special speaker was Scott Wardwell, director of the Northern Maine Regional Airport in Presque Isle.
He spoke about the airport, which has 16,200 annual boardings and three departures each day that fly non-stop to Boston. The airport’s reliability record is very good, with only 1 percent of flights cancelled and 28.6 percent of flights delayed by more than 15 minutes.
In the future, the airport hopes to retain more of the local market by increasing the number of flights in and out of Presque Isle, lower the costs and utilize mostly regional jets.
Scott hopes that more local people will fly out of Presque Isle, taking into account the extra costs incurred for gas, parking, lodging and food, as well as time when flying out of Southern Maine airports.

Winterfest Talent Show
The Winterfest Committee will be featuring the Second Annual Talent Show on Friday night, March 9, at 7 p.m. at Central Aroostook High School. Fireman Fred will be the emcee for this year’s contest.
There will be cash prizes for this judged event in three categories this year: Adults, 18 and over – $200, Ages 11 to 17 – $100 and Ages 10 and under – $50.
Those interested in registering, or for more information, are asked to contact Joy Taylor at 429-9823.
Spots are limited, so please call soon to pre-register.

Winterfest 2007
The Greater Mars Hill Winterfest will be held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, March 9-11. Friday night and Saturday morning and afternoon events will be held at CAHS. Saturday evening and Sunday events will be held at Big Rock.
This year’s events include: Friday night: a Beans and Franks Dinner ($6) from 5 to 7 p.m. sponsored by the Mars Hill Rotary Club and a Talent Show ($3 per person / $7 per family) at 7 p.m.
Saturday morning will start with the St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast ($3) from 6 to 9 a.m., a Cribbage tournament ($5) at 9 a.m.,  PeeWee Basketball games at 9 a.m. ($1 Admission), the Methodist Women Bake Sale in the lobby during all events, an FFA Baked Potato Bar (or hotdog and fries) at 10:30 a.m. ($3), children’s coin search at 11 a.m., horse drawn sleigh and snowmobile rides from (11 a.m. to 1 p.m.),  BINGO from 12:30 to 3 p.m.
The Mars Hill Snowmobile Club will hold a Poker Run. Registration is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The run begins at noon, returning to the clubhouse at 4 p.m.,  hands are $5 each or three for $12. Food will also be available for a donation. Hands can be pre-purchased by contacting Bill Corson at 429-8017 or any club member.
Evening Events planned at Big Rock will include the Kardboard Klassic ($5 per sled) at 5 p.m. with three categories (kids, JH/HS and Adults), a Chicken Stew ($6) at 5:30 p.m., a Big Air Contest ($10) at 6:30 p.m., a Torchlight Parade at 7:45 p.m. and Fireworks at 8:15 p.m.  Pre-Registration is required for the Kardboard Klassic, Big Air Contest and Torchlight Parade.
These events will be followed by an Adult Dance from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. with the band Too Far North.   You must be 21 to attend, IDs are required and there will be a cash bar. There will be a $5 admission charge.
On Sunday at 1 p.m., the Big Rock Youth Ski League will hold a race.  Pre-Registration is required.
Posters listing the events will be put up in several areas and flyers will be available at the Mars Hill Town Office, the Blaine Town Office and the Mars Hill IGA.

Tomi Henderson is the correspondent for Mars Hill, Blaine and Bridgewater. She can be reached at 429-9126 or e-mail