Easton families gather for visits, birthdays

18 years ago

Marie Hewitt has recently returned home from a two-week visit with her daughter, Mary Ellen and husband, Dan Beaulieu, in Sarasota, Fla. One day she spent with Mary Ellen at her work in a cancer clinic and was amazed at the amount of work that was done there. The rest of her visit was relaxing, visiting and, perhaps, eating too much, but she had fun.

Angie Johnston celebrated her birthday on March 18 with her niece, Lisa Tompkins, and her daughters, Brittany and Katelyn, who all enjoyed a spaghetti dinner. After dinner and cake and ice cream, Angie opened her presents and her many cards. She got a call from her daughter, Rhonda Norton, of Plymouth, Conn., to wish her a happy day. Her sister, Amy Dixon, from California, called. Her sister-in-law, Christine Wilcox, also called, as did  a friend, Jinney Griffen, of Hollis, to wish her the best. After her little party she was invited to a neighbor and friend’s apartment, Judy Shaw’s, for lunch with Judy’s friend, Napoleon.
Another birthday party was held recently at Arlene Ladner’s for her sister, Ada Perley, of Perth Andover, New Brunswick, Canada.  Those who came to celebrate with her were: her sisters, Leola Smith and Velma Brayall, also from the Perth Andover area; Leona Pelkey and brother, Leonard Williams, and his wife, Cheryl, both from California Settlement, New Brunswick. A cousin, Elaine Donovan, of Caswell, also joined them to celebrate the day.

Book drive
Don’t forget the book drive that is going on right now for Nathan White, who is a student at Bentley College. He has asked for help with his service project for one of his classes. Nathan belongs to the National Honor Society and his goal is to gather 1,000 books to help a Teen LEEP non-profit organization to set up a bookstore and pick up experience in the management of that store. Books may be dropped off at the Easton Jr./Sr. High School or the Easton Elementary School.

Recreation calendar
Wednesday, March 28: Junior Activities is a program for children ECP age and younger. We meet at the Odd Fellows Hall from 9:30 to 11 a.m. This is a great way for the younger kids to get to interact with children their own age and work off some of that ‘cabin fever’ energy. The senior citizen’s will meet at the recreation room at the West Ridge Manor at 1 p.m. for exercise group. Be sure to wear a comfortable pair of shoes and dress in layers. Grades 1 through 6 will meet after school at the Odd Fellows Hall to watch a movie. Popcorn and drinks will be served. Please pick your child up by 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 29: The Kindergarten Only Program will meet from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at the Easton Elementary School. This week’s  topic will be Easter. Please be sure your child has a note to stay after school.
Friday, March 30:  Junior Activities will meet at the Odd Fellows Hall from 9:30 to 11 a.m. There will be a senior Citizen’s trip to the  Francis Malcolm Science Center. While there we will have a presentation in the planetarium called: Follow the Drinking Gourd. Following the presentation, Nina Trask will be hosting a tea in her home. The cost is $3.
Monday, April 2:  Junior Activities will meet at the Hall from 9:30 to 11 a.m. ‘Dinner and a movie.’ We’ll meet at the Odd Fellows Hall to make lunch together and then watch a movie. This is a no school day. This program will run from 11 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.. The cost is $3. There will be no swimming lessons this week, they will resume next Monday.
Tuesday, April 3:  The 7th and 8th grade classes will attend ACAP’s Aroostook Partnership Extravaganza at the University of Maine at Presque Isle from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Participants will receive a free lunch and a T-shirt. Senior’s will meet at the Manor’s Recreation room to exercise at 1:30 p.m. Please wear comfortable shoes and bring a water bottle. Grades 1 through 6 will meet after school at the Hall to have a ‘game day.’ Please bring your favorite game to share and come play with your friends. Snacks will be served. Please pick your child up at 4:30 p.m.