Star City Seniors meet

18 years ago

The Star City Senior Citizens club met March 1 at the V.F.W. with 30 members and three guests.
    We had another new member join this week, Mary Hawthorne. Our guests were Delores Tracy, AnnaLee Webb and Cindy Bowmar. The table blessing was given by Donna Devoe, after which everyone enjoyed a potluck luncheon.
The regular meeting was opened by President Betty Wilson, with the “Lord’s Prayer”, flag salute and one verse of “America”.
Our sick members are Delores Brown, Betty Higgins, Lila Day, Theo Chandler, Aliena Clough, Marie Lamb and Granvill Lamb. We ask that everyone keep them in their prayers. The secretary and treasurers reports were accepted as read and agreed upon by a show of hands from the membership. The meeting was then adjourned. Those who stayed played bingo.