The Easton Parent Community Organization (PTO) is conducting a fund-raiser. There’s nothing to buy. They are simply asking you to donate your used cell phones and inkjet cartridges.
They have found a place where these items will be purchased and then recycled. Your donation will help protect the environment. If improperly disposed of, one cell phone can pollute up to 132,000 liters of drinking water. Your unwanted cell phones and inkjet cartridges will be recycled in accordance with EPA regulations or refurbished and recycled. And, depending on the value of the items you donate, your donation may be tax deductible. All of the proceeds from the items they collect will help build up the treasury of the Easton Parent Community Organization. The contact person for more information is Corinna Willis at 488-2777. Items may be dropped of at the Easton Elementary School.
The Pattee-Page Post 187 American Legion of Easton held their meeting on Monday, April 9, at the Odd Fellow’s Hall with nine in attendance. The main purpose of the meeting was the election of officers for the 2007-2008 year. Those elected were: Commander, Robert Clark; Vice Commander, Paul Mullen; Adjutant, James Ireland; Finance Officer, Hayward Ames; Sergeant-at-Arms, Jeff Larsen; Chaplain, Bernard Hussey; Americanism, Clair Carter; and Service Officer, Robert Clark. It was voted that the post would do a bean-hole bean supper during Field Day in July. Sending a boy to Dirigo Boys State was also discussed with the Americanism chairman selected to ask the school about any student interested in attending. The next meeting will be held on Monday, May 7, at the Odd Fellows Hall beginning at 7 p.m.
Sheri Carter and son, Kody, along with her mother, Bonnie Blanchard, drove to Bangor Friday before last to pick up their uncle, Winston “Satch” Howlett. Winston had been a patient in the Eastern Maine Medical Center to have a stint placed in the artery of his neck. He was discharged the day before but because of the storm they were unable to drive down to get him. The hospital was very good to him, sending him to the the Riverside Hotel and supplying him with his meals while he waited.
Jeannie and Richard Kneeland arrived home from their winter home in Florida on Friday, April 6, in time for Easter. They had to make a couple of stops, one in Massachusetts and one in Bangor, because of rain and a snow storm. They stopped in Greer, S.C., to visit with their daughter, Cheryl Koenke, husband, Scott, and family, and enjoyed the beautiful flowers that had bloomed there.
Senior Class Play
Easton Jr./Sr. High School’s Senior Play cast presents “The Long Red Herring,” a comedy thriller by Pat Cook, presented on April 27 at 7 p.m. in the Easton High School gymnasium. Ticket prices: senior citizens and students $3, adults $5 and families $15.
Found key
During the Easton Elementary Bottle Drive, a key was found that indicated it went to ‘storage unit 22.’ For more information, contact the school.