Young team improves skills on ice

Coach Scott Madore, Special to The County
18 years ago

    We had a great year and I am very proud of my group of kids. It was always a pleasure to skate with them every Wednesday. We had a wide variety of skating ability; some were just starting and some were with me last year. The first-year skaters are now able to skate on their own, forwards and backwards. They are handling a puck and shooting on net.

My returning kids improved greatly from last year and are skating much faster, forwards and backwards, than last year. We play tag to help improve their skating skills and by the end of the year it was challenging to get away from them. By the end, the whole group worked more like a team.
I would like to take this chance to thank Tim Hortons for sponsoring our team. It makes it easier for parents to get the feel for skating and hockey when they don’t have to invest much money. Thank you!
I can’t wait to start back next year. I had a blast!