PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — Aroostook County honored some of its long-time employees at a recent employee recognition day.
Honored for the most years of service was Keith Wheeler of Monticello, law enforcement lieutenant, who has completed 35 years with the County. Wheeler started working as a corrections officer in the Aroostook County Jail in May of 1972; he has worked under four different sheriffs, including is brother, the late Edgar Wheeler, and served roughly 18 years as lieutenant.
Sheriff Jim Madore spoke highly of Wheeler and his strong work ethic. Madore said when he came to the sheriff’s department, Lt. Wheeler was one of many who made him feel welcome in the new role.
“Keith is really a dedicated and efficient employee,” said Madore. “He’s an amazing worker. Right now, he’s covering not only his duties, but he also oversees the transportation division, Lt. Mike Berube’s slot, because Lt. Berube is currently serving in Iraq.”
Also honored at the June 22 event were:
• For 30 years of service, Judge James P. Dunleavy, probate judge.
• For 20 years of service: Paul Adams, county commissioner and chair; Rebecca Miller, victim witness advocate and Janet Bouchard, victim witness advocate.
• For 15 years of service: Vernon Ouellette, director of Emergency Management Agency.
• For 10 years of service: Michael Montpetit, deputy sheriff; Randy McGary, corrections officer and Karen Butler, deputy register of probate.
• For five years of service: Aaron Blake, corrections officer; Kevin Farrar, deputy sheriff; Cathy Kennedy, secretary; Kenneth Knowles, deputy sheriff; and Timothy O’Donnell, corrections officer.
In addition to recognizing its employees for their years of service, the county hosted a barbeque and awarded various prizes.
The grand door prize was a donation from Colgan Air for two round-trip airline tickets from Presque Isle to Boston; Darren Woods, public safety coordinator for the Emergency Management office, won this prize.
The event, held at the Nordic Heritage Center, also allowed employees and guests to enjoy the walking and bicycling trails there.