Session features Carnegie training

18 years ago

    PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — Dale Carnegie Training of Maine recently held the Strictly Business program in Presque Isle, providing northern Maine businesses the opportunity to develop key employees.  This seminar is designed to help participants master skills such as communication, leadership, confidence, and stress management in order to excel and keep pace with today’s competitive workplace.
“We took the essential business concepts covered in the extended 12-week program and compressed them into an action-packed three-day seminar,” said Dave Stearns, Trainer and President of Dale Carnegie Training of Maine. “This format was designed to accommodate a busy professional who wants to master the skills but cannot free up the extended time to do it.”
Chester M. Kearney, CPA’s, recently sent four team members to the program in Presque Isle.
“I have increased self confidence in public speaking and everyday communications with clients and business associates. I am equipped with powerful communication tools that allow me to keep give clear and concise presentations,” said Chad Bartley, Stockholder, Chester M. Kearney, CPA’s. “We have benefited as a team at Chester M. Kearney by taking the program together.  Our individual skills have improved as well as our interactions with each other.  Our team became inspired to accomplish greater things and is no longer afraid to attempt new or difficult tasks.  The investment in the program yielded benefits which far exceeded the costs.  The program gave us the tools to succeed in our work environment and in our everyday lives.”
The program, Strictly Business, is coming back to Presque Isle in November.  Please call or visit the website for more information. The program is accredited by ACE (American Council on Education) for college credit and ACCET (accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training) for CEU’s, and CPE’s for accountants, dentists, and realtors.     For more visit: call 775-DALE.