The Spragueville Homemakers Extension ended its current season by enjoying continued interesting and fun activities. On April 23, 11 members journeyed to Caribou to Phyllis Belanger’s home to view her delightful Doll Museum. Everyone was certainly enthralled by the extensive collection and displays; it truly was an interesting tour!
Following the visit with Phyllis the group went to Tim Hortons in Caribou and enjoy refreshments and to hold a short business meeting. President Lois Griffin called the meeting to order. Tammy Wheeler gave a wrap-up of the Fair Committee progress. A Craft Night was planned for Tuesday, May 8. Lois reminded members of the Aroostook Spring Meeting, to be held in New Sweden on May 5; those planning to attend were asked to bring their own place setting and non-perishable food items for the Catholic Charities Food Cupboard. After some discussion, it was agreed to have the Extension’s Annual May Dinner Outing at Slopes on May 21.
On May 5, seven members of the Spragueville Extension attended the County Spring Meeting in New Sweden. An interesting and informative meeting was lead by County President Caroline Kelley, with various reports given by other officers. Caroline announced that the Fall State Meeting would be held at the Millennium Building in Palmyra on October 12-13. The meeting was followed by a lovely luncheon, served by the New Sweden Extension.
On May 21, 16 members attended the annual May Dinner Outing at Slopes, followed by a short business meeting called to order by President Lois Griffin. LaVone Walters reported that the Craft Night on May 8 for the fair booth projects went well. Lois reported that the flowers for the balloon site had been ordered; Lois said the Girl Scouts would once again help plant the flowers in mid-June. LaVone mentioned that she had looked into the possibility of the group purchasing edging for the flowers area at the balloon site, to alleviate grass interfering with the flowers’ growth. It was moved and seconded to have LaVone purchase the necessary edging.
A lengthy discussion was held on money-raising projects for new fencing at the balloon site; more information will be forthcoming. Members brought items to this outing for a care package for Tom Steeves, who is serving in Iraq; Carman Wiggins volunteered to pack and send the box.
On June 25, 18 Extension members and six guests attended the Annual Family Picnic at the Presque Isle Snowmobile Club. Following the delicious potluck supper, President Lois called a business meeting to order. She began by thanking the Food Committee for the preparations and decorations for the supper; she also thanked all members who contributed food. The Creed was recited, roll call taken, volunteer hours recorded and secretary’s/treasurer’s reports were given by LaVone Walters. Lois reported on the death of Honorary Member Ruth Beaulieu.
Under old business – LaVone reported the edging had been put in place at the balloon site. Lois reported that the flowers had been planted. Tammy Wheeler reported that 297 letters had been sent to businesses, asking for donations for new vinyl fencing for the balloon site. She was happy to report that donations had already been received.
Under New Business – A discussion was held on a memorial in memory for Ruth Beaulieu. It was moved and seconded to give a donation to the New Fence Fund in Ruth’s memory; her name will be included on a plaque at the site.
It was also voted to present Ned Cyr a monetary gift for all his assistance with ground work and watering at the balloon site.
Marilyn Wheeler brought up the possibility of the Extension holding a public card party in the fall to benefit the New Fence Fund. All present were interested in this project; Marilyn, Mona Cyr and Rose Barnes will work on further details. Tammy reported that Habitat for Humanity would be holding a public informational gathering on Habitat’s purposes, projects, etc. at the Grant Memorial United Methodist Church on Tuesday, October 2. She asked if the Extension members would be interested in furnishing refreshments for this affair. It was moved and seconded to furnish the needed refreshments.
Mona Cyr reported on the meeting held by the Northern Maine Fair Committee. The Fair will be held July 27-Aug. 4, with the Spragueville Extension’s Work Day to be Thursday, Aug. 2. Members were asked to submit items for Spragueville’s fair booth display to the Extension’s Fair Committee by July 15.
A discussion was held on possible items to send in the care package to Tom Steeves. Lona Cyr mentioned she had read where flat, twin-sized sheets in dark colors were needed and would be appreciated. It was decided by those present to bring these needed sheets to the September meeting.
The next meeting of the Extension will be the Planning Meeting for 2008 on Sept. 24, at the home of Tammy Wheeler. Anyone interested in learning more about the Extension contact President Lois Griffin at 764-3006; Vice President Tammy Wheeler at 768-5877; or Secretary/Treasurer LaVone Walters at 762-1091.