FORT FAIRFIELD, Maine — There will be a many interesting items to view at the House and Garden Tour scheduled for Saturday, July 28, from noon – 4 p.m. to benefit the Frontier Heritage Historical Society. The five houses will feature interesting furnishings from many periods.
An Underground Railroad quilt made by Pat Troicke represents the Civil War era. It has 15 patterns, each having a secret message for escaping slaves seeking direction to freedom in Canada. The colorful appliquéd 5-foot by 7-foot “sampler” quilt is made from authentic reproduction fabrics of the period. It will be on display in the dining room at the country farmhouse recently renovated by Bill and Dawn Findlen. The property was once part of the original 1,000-acre land grant to the first Quaker, J. Wingate Haines, who came to the Maple Grove area of Fort Fairfield in 1844.
The tour houses are of different architectural designs, including the historic 21-room Queen Anne Philo H. Reed house where the dining room table will feature a buffet of sandwiches, sweets, punch and tea for ticket holders. Fort Fairfield native Roberta Griffiths and Ann Wight of Presque Isle will design the floral centerpiece and other arrangements.
The beautifully built Four-Square Craftsman home of Peter Hunt, Jr. exhibits the best of both design elements and is a real treasure.
Representing the finest in the “back-to-the-road and front-to-the-view” contemporary home is one planned by Tim and Susan Oldenburg. The southern exposure provides privacy and great leisurely living.
The newest in customized modular housing is the residence of Rev. Mark and Claudette Babin. Its huge kitchen-dining area is planned to accommodate big crowds. Views from this hilltop home are truly spectacular.
Tickets are $25 by advance sale only. For reservations, send check or money order made out to Frontier Heritage Historical Society to Jean Deschesne (473-7273), 51 Elm Street, or Mavis Towle (472-4041), 19 Milk Street, Fort Fairfield, ME 04742. Tour-goers’ reserved tickets with maps are to be picked up the day of the tour from 11:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the historic Friends Church on Route 1A. The tour may be taken in any order.