To the editor:
On behalf of the Mapleton Daze Committee I would like to say a big thank you for the community’s response to our plea for help. We had an overwhelming turnout to our meeting with 21 interested folks showing up! Both new faces and former members were well received. Thank you so much for hearing our concerns and for responding in such a positive way.
We came away from the meeting with two new officers, three new chair heads and a lot of positive feedback.
There will definitely be a 20th celebration of Mapleton Daze in 2008!
We also want to thank the Lions Club for their continued support and sponsorship for this annual event.
Keep watch for the sale of our Community Birthday Calendar and the annual Supper and Auction coming soon!
The next meeting will be Wednesday, Aug. 29th at 7 p.m. at the Pizza House and new members are always welcome.
Debbie Sawyer
Castle Hill