PRESQUE ISLE — SAD 1 Adult Education Director John Graves announces several classes that will be starting in October and November. Tips & Tricks for Windows XP will begin Oct. 1 for five weeks.
Holiday Crafts will start Sept. 18 for eight weeks.
Pilates will begin Oct. 2 for 10 weeks.
Quilting, Beginning will start Sept. 12 for 10 weeks.
Rubber Stamping will start Oct. 10 for six weeks.
Stained Glass, Beginners will start Sept. 13 for 10 weeks.
Computer World will start Sept. 27 for 10 weeks.
Internet Basics will start Nov. 19 for three weeks.
Maine Driving Dynamics will be held Oct. 16 and Oct. 17.
For further information or to register, call the Adult Education office at 764-4776.