Deeves takes post at area hospital

17 years ago
By Kathy McCarty  
Staff Writer

    PRESQUE ISLE – The Presque Isle Area Chamber of Commerce is looking for a new director, following the recent resignation of Executive Director Allen Deeves.


ImageStaff photo/Kathy McCarty
    ALLEN DEEVES, executive director of the Presque Isle Area Chamber of Commerce, sits at his desk on his last day in office Sept. 13. Deeves, who has been with the PIACC for five years, has accepted a position at Northern Maine Medical Center in Fort Kent and will serve as their public relations director.



    Deeves has held the position for the past five years and has enjoyed working with the many people – private individuals, business owners/Chamber members and municipal officials – he’s met through his work with the PIACC.
    “I’ve been with the Chamber since 2002. I’ve met a lot of great people,” said Deeves.
    The decision to leave the PIACC came about when a position opened at Northern Maine Medical Center in Fort Kent. Deeves said the move brings him full-circle, letting him return to work in the field of health care.
    “Prior to taking the job with the Chamber, I served as executive director of Personal Services of Aroostook. When a job opened for a public relations director at Northern Maine Medical Center, I applied and was subsequently hired. I gave the Board my letter of resignation on Aug. 23. My first day will be Sept. 26,” said Deeves. “This is where the road has taken me – back to health care.”
    Deeves said he realizes taking the administrative position at NMMC will mean a change for his whole family.
    “I spoke at length with my wife about the job at NMMC. Our quality of life will change, since we’ll eventually move north. But until that happens, I’ll be commuting,” Deeves said.
    Working with the PIACC has allowed Deeves many great experiences.
    “Through time, I’ve been granted great opportunities. But I feel the time has come to take my skills to a new level. NMMC is exactly what I’ve been looking for in a change,” he said. “There are similarities with administrative positions I’ve held in the past.”
    As with PSA and the PIACC, Deeves will use his skills to promote NMMC.
    “At Personal Services, the board encouraged me to make (the business) more visible – at the Chamber likewise. At NMMC, I’ll promote the hospital and am already being encouraged to be involved with the Chamber of Commerce there and other organizations, as I have here in Presque Isle,” explained Deeves.
    Deeves will be working with the communities NMMC serves in the St. John Valley, including: Van Buren, Madawaska, Frenchville and St. Agatha. He’ll work to educate communities on the services provided by the hospital.
    “NMMC has expanded a great deal in recent years. It has a lot to offer,” said Deeves.
    In addition to his past PR experience, Deeves takes with him a variety of achievements. He’s served as a member of UMPI’s Alumni Board 2006-present; was a delegate with the Governor’s Conference: REALIZE! Maine 2004-present; chairman of the Spectator Housing Committee, 2006 Biathlon Jr. World Championships 2004-2006; president of the Association of Aroostook Chambers of Commerce, Aroostook County, 2003-2006; and a Rotarian with the Presque Isle Rotary Club, 2001-present.
    Dawn Poitras, president of the PIACC, said it was with regret the Board accepted Deeve’s resignation.
    “The Board wishes him the best in his new venture at NMMC,” said Poitras. “PR work is a good fit for him. He’s ‘Mr. Personality.’ He’s made me laugh on many occasions.”
    The Board of Directors, according to Poitras, plans to take some time before selecting someone to fill the vacancy left by Deeves’ departure. In the meantime, an interim director has been chosen.
    “When we began looking for an interim director, Paul Kinney stepped right up. Paul knows Chamber business, having served as president in the past. He’s also served as interim on several occasions in the past, between other directors,” said Poitras.
    Poitras said Deeves’ last day was Sept. 13. Kinney began his duties as interim director on Friday, Sept. 14.
    “Paul’s a businessman, knows the people of the area, and has the experience and knowledge we need. He’s part-time – mornings – and the Board is pulling together to staff in the off hours. We’re grateful Paul’s willing to do this. It gives us (the Board) an opportunity to get on our (the Chamber’s) feet financially. But our ultimate goal remains the same – to serve our paying members to the best of our ability,” said Poitras.
    The Chamber – a nonprofit organization – has felt the pinch in recent years, as fuel, electricity and other costs continue to rise, while revenue has remained about the same. Not hiring a director immediately will allow funds to be directed elsewhere through the end of the year.
    “We have an interview committee. We’ll be posting the position sometime after the first of the year. We want to take our time with this and find the right individual to fill the opening,” said Poitras.
    A native of Presque Isle, Deeves said he’ll miss his hometown and those he’s served for so many years.
    “I’ll miss the support the area has given me – more specifically my hometown of Presque Isle and the encouragement they’ve provided along the way,” said Deeves.
    Deeves said he is looking forward to his new position and what it means to his family.
    “I think the change will be good. Now me and my wife can talk about the advantages of working at hospitals. She works at TAMC. I think this is what’s best for my family. It’s a great opportunity, working with good people. I’m going to put my best foot forward,” said Deeves. “As a graduate of Presque Isle High School, I’m fortunate to be able to remain in Aroostook County. This is where I want to be.”