Mars Hill recognizes students for academic achievement

17 years ago

Mars Hill students recognized Students of the Month
    In a continuing effort to recognize outstanding student citizenship, the faculty of Central Aroostook Junior-Senior High School announces that Dylan Comelison and Kaila D. Foster have been selected as the ugust/September Students of the Month. They were selected in recognition of their commitment to the pillar of character, specifically the pillar for the 2007-2008 school year, respect.

    Dylan is a member of the eighth-grade class and lists English, reading and gym as his favorite subjects.  He is a member of the junior high baseball team. Dylan enjoys playing football, baseball and video games, and he also likes skateboarding. He hopes to someday become a professional baseball player. Dylan is the son of Joel and Desiree Katz.
    Kaila is a member of the junior class and lists U.S. history and advanced English as her favorite subjects.  She is a member of the Varsity Club, and the varsity soccer, softball and cheerleading teams. Kaila enjoys gymnastics, listening to music, working with children at the Mars Hill Recreation Department and hanging out with friends. Her future plans involve going to college to major in social work or early childhood development. Kaila is the daughter of Penny Richards and Brent Foster.
Birthday calendars
    The Mars Hill Rotary Club’s birthday calendars will be ordered shortly. Anyone with a change to report is asked to contact Tomi Henderson at 429-9126 with any new births, anniversaries, etc. Please contact Tomi by September 19 to be sure that all updated information is included in the 2008 calendar.
Rotary Club
    The Mars Hill Rotary Club met on Tuesday morning at the Aroostook Health Center at 6:30 a.m.
     The special speaker was Dr. Eric Nicholas. He showed a short film and spoke on “How to Sneeze.” Sneezing into your sleeve will help prevent the spreading of germs as the fabric will trap them.
    He also spoke on the recent meeting he attended of Maine medical professionals and the resolutions they discussed to promote the health of Maine citizens.
Bridgewater music jam
    Bridgewater’s music jams take place each Thursday evening, until cold weather sets in, from 6-9 p.m. and feature old time rock ’n roll, country, oldies and standards.
    The BHA would like to thank our regulars, Hughie Gray of Easton, Pam Greene of Centerville, and Carol Trafford of Florenceville for performing along with regulars are Denis Gagne (BHA president) on the drums, Jann Votaw (BHA secretary) on guitar and vocals and Simon Blawej Clair on guitar and vocals.  Some refreshments are available. All of our musicians are volunteers. Money raised on music nights will go towards a much needed PA system for the hall.
    Trying to preserve a small town’s history is not an easy task, and the BHA thanks those who support their efforts.
    They hope to see everyone at their planned events.
Bridgewater Historical Association
    The Bridgewater Historical Association has changed its meeting time. The Association now meets the first and third Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the Odd Fellows Hall on Main Street. For more information, please call Denis or Gloria Gagne at 429-8290, Jann Votaw at 425-7901 or at  
Harvest Supper
    The Bridgewater Historical Association will hold its Harvest Supper and Dance at their hall (formerly Odd Fellows Hall) on October 27 beginning at 4:30 p.m. As with last year, the main entrée will be ham.
    Tickets will be $7 for adults and children under 10 will be $3.
    For more info contact Denis Gagne at 429-8290 or Jann Votaw at 425-7901.
    Check us out on the Web at

    Tomi Henderson is the correspondent for Mars Hill, Blaine, Bridgewater and Westfield. She can be reached at 429-9126 or e-mail 


ImagePhoto courtesy of Tomi Henderson
    DYLAN COMELISON has been named August/September Student of the Month at Central Aroostook Junior-Senior High School. An eighth grader, Dylan was selected in recognition of his commitment to the pillar of character: respect.



ImagePhoto courtesy of Tomi Henderson
    A MEMBER of the junior class at CAHS, Kaila Foster has been named August/September Student of the Month. She plans on majoring in social work or early childhood development when she goes to college. 



ImagePhoto courtesy of Tomi Henderson
    HALEY ROWE, left, and Noelle Cote do a craft at one of the stations manned by the Mars Hill FFA and CAHS French Club members at the Carnival Day held at the Healing Hearts Ranch in Mars Hill on Saturday, September 8.



ImagePhoto courtesy of Tomi Henderson
    MEMBERS of the National Honor Society at Central Aroostook High School are pictured at the Academic Recognition Night at CAHS on May 3. Pictured, in front, from left: Kara Cushman, Katelyn Field, Frances Banks – newest Honorary Member, Nicole McQuade, Alex Dame and Ashlee Pryor. Rear from left: Tyson White, Shaun Walling, Abby Young, Michelle Tweedie, Cameron York, Logan McCarthy, Jeremy Boulier, Kaelin Rideout and Advisor Betsy Allen.