Roy receives top award

17 years ago

    STACYVILLE — This summer’s annual VFW State Convention was held in Presque Isle.  Members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Ladies Auxiliary, and Maine’s only Junior Girls Unit attended, including all levels of VFW Posts and Auxiliaries through to state of Maine officers and national officers.     Awards were given as part of the convention, one of which was Auxiliary President of the Year. State President Linda Brackett presented this year’s award for her membership group to Allison Roy as President of Sherman Area Memorial Ladies Auxiliary VFW 2299 of Stacyville.
    There are many criteria to consider for Auxiliary President of the Year.  The auxiliary president’s own auxiliary must be 100 percent in membership by a certain date. Auxiliaries must be reported in each National program by Dec. 31 of the prior year, which include Americanism, Buddy Poppy, Cancer Aide and Research, Community Service, Junior Girls Unit, Legislative/VFW-PAC, Hospital, National Home, Patriotic Art, Publicity, Veterans and Family Service, Voice of Democracy, and Youth Activities.   
    The President must also attend Council of Administration meetings and all District meetings. The auxiliary’s audits must be sent to the Department Treasurer quarterly and on time. All program quotas must be paid in full by certain dates. A point system determines the winner.
    Auxiliary President Allison Roy and Auxiliary 2299 is to be commended for their hard work throughout the year, resulting in this high award.