Habitat needs volunteers

17 years ago
By Kathy McCarty  
Staff Writer

    PRESQUE ISLE – A local non-profit organization, Aroostook County Habitat for Humanity, is in need of help.
    “We’re looking for a few good people. Everyone wants to help when we are building a home, but we are in need of help year-round, even in non-building years,” said Tammy Wheeler, board member.     The board of directors, according to Wheeler, feels that without strong functioning committees, “we cannot sustain a long-term house building and community building effort.”
    “We are re-creating working committees to assist us in carrying out our mission to build simple, decent homes for people in need,” said Wheeler.
    One of the most recent projects the group has worked on was a home for the Paddleford family in Fort Fairfield. When the home was completed nearly a year ago, Lorie Paddleford said it was a blessing she and her family would enjoy for years to come, since her husband was disabled and the family’s income was limited.
    “We’re blessed to be here – to have this house,” said Paddleford during the construction of the home.
    But without the necessary committees, homes like these would remain just a dream for those in need. The working committees currently include: public relations, fund-raising, church relations, volunteer relations, family selection, family support, site selection and building. Each committee meets separate from the board, with the chairperson reporting to the board on their activities, said Wheeler.
    “Therefore, your time commitment will be different depending on the committee. Some committees will be very busy when we are not building, such as public relations and fund-raising. Others, such as family selection and the building committee, will be busier during a building year,” Wheeler.
    A Habitat Informational Open House will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 2, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Grant Memorial United Methodist Church, 79 Fleetwood St., Presque Isle. Information booths will be set up for each committee. Refreshments and door prizes will be offered.
    “We know individuals have special talents. Your talents may help Aroostook County Habitat for Humanity. We encourage anyone interested in learning more to attend the event,” said Wheeler.
    For more information on this event, call 768-5877 or e-mail tamw@verizon.net. An RSVP is not required but would be helpful for organizers planning the event. The event is open to all interested individuals from throughout Aroostook County.
    “We appreciate the public’s support,” said Wheeler.