United Methodist Women
The September meeting of the Mars Hill United Methodist Women was held on Sept. 10 in the church vestry with 12 members and 21 guests.
Photo courtesy of Tomi Henderson
THREE-MONTH-OLD Star tries to get her mom, TKO, to give her a piggy-back ride during the open house held at the Spudland Alpacas Farm recently.
President Janice Footer opened the meeting by welcoming everyone, then leading in the Purpose Pledge and Prayer. The secretary’s report was read and accepted as read. There was no treasurer’s report as Treasurer Joan Walsh was in California.
Discussion of getting new kitchen countertops will continue at the next meeting. Janice will bring in more samples and information and Frances Banks will bring in a report from the Administrative Council whether the money to pay for the countertops can be taken out of the Memorial Fund.
While discussing programs for the next year, it was voted not to have meetings in July and August.
Carol Guiggey reported that the Northern District meeting of the United Methodist Women will be held on Oct. 6 in Baileyville.
The meeting was turned over to Program Chairs Donna Brewer and Carol Guiggey. Donna introduced her daughter, Barbara McCrum, from Southwest Harbor – formerly of Blaine – who spoke about her trip to Africa. She became interested in Africa and its culture after learning to play the drums from a professor at a nearby college who specialized in African music.
This eventually took her to Africa where she lived with African families – learning and sharing their customs and culture. She said the ultimate goal and purpose is to bring peace to the world through music. Barbara was thanked for speaking to the group and presented with a gift.
Delicious refreshments were served by Donna and Carol.
The following guests were present: Linda Swett, of Presque Isle; from Easton – Alene Hardy, Elizabeth Martin, Avis Holmes, Hilda Langley, Margery Niblett, Eldora Carter, Freda Dionne, Lindy Fowler, Marie Hewitt, Glenice Craig and Dorothy Beaton; from Mars Hill and Blaine – Cindy Anderson, Joanne Shaw, Marjorie Grew, Betty Mahan, Marjorie Terrell and Abbey Brewer; Sylvia Pineau, of E Plantation; Cathy Simonson, of Bridgewater; and Barbara McCrum, of Southwest Harbor. Members attending were Janice Footer, Alma Smith, Daisy Campbell of Perth Andover, Goldie Folsom, Frances Banks, Winnie Anderson, Carol Guiggey, Diane Ketchum, Donna Brewer, Joan Boone, Elaine Bailey and Clara Hussey.
Bridgewater music jam
Bridgewater’s music jams take place each Thursday evening, during warm weather, from 6 – 9 p.m. and features old time rock ’n roll, country, oldies and standards. Thanks go to regulars Hughie Gray of Easton, Pam Greene of Centerville and Carol Trafford of Florenceville for performing along with BHA secretary Jann Votaw and BHA President Denis Gagne, both of Bridgewater.
A Harvest Supper is planned for Oct. 27. More details will follow.
As always, the BHA appreciates all of those who have supported the group and hope they continue to do so. The BHA sends out their sincere thanks. It isn’t an easy task to preserve a town’s history and the group is doing what it can. Anyone who would like to join in the group’s efforts is welcome. For more information about the BHA, contact Denis Gagne at 429-8290 or Jann Votaw at 425-7901 or check out the site at www.bridgewatermaine.org.
Bridgewater Historical Association
The Bridgewater Historical Association meets the first and third Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. (note the new time) at the Odd Fellows Hall on Main Street. For more information, please call Denis or Gloria Gagne at 429-8290, Jann Votaw at 425-7901 or at www.bridgewatermaine.org.
Special birthday
Special 50th birthday greetings go to Jill Cumming on Oct. 2 from her loving husband, Brian. If you see Jill – be sure to say happy birthday to her!
Ladies’ Stitch and *itch Group
The Bridgewater Recreation Department has formed a Ladies’ Stitch & ‘itch group. The group meets every other Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m. at the Bridgewater Civic Building. Ladies of all ages are invited to attend. There is no charge to attend. The group will meet on Oct. 2, 16 and 30.
This is an opportunity to bring whatever you are working on: cross-stitch, embroidery, scrapbooking, sewing, etc., and share good conversation while working on your favorite project. If you do not have anything to bring, that’s OK too, as others will be willing share and teach.
All are welcome – you don’t have to be a Bridgewater resident to participate, so bring your friends, too! For more information, contact Chris Finemore at 425-6606.
Contributed photo
THE CENTRAL AROOSTOOK HIGH SCHOOL Class of 1992 recently celebrated its 15-year class reunion. Pictured are, front row, from left: Stacy Shaw, Matt Crouse, Heather Crouse, Kent Smith and Janine (Kinney) Stackpole. Back row: Jennifer (Shaw) Mahan, Essie Jo York, Janice (Wiggins) Mosher, Kelly (Bell) Corey, Jill (Bradstreet) Rusby and Ami-Su (Fields) Pierce.