Police continue to investigate bomb threat

17 years ago
By Kathy McCarty  
Staff Writer

    PRESQUE ISLE – Police are continuing to investigate a bomb scare that caused the evacuation of the Presque Isle Middle School Sept. 18.
    As of presstime Tuesday, the Presque Isle Police Department had yet to charge anyone with the threat.     “We’re working on some leads and have a suspect – a juvenile obviously. The investigation is ongoing at this point,” said Det. Bill Scull, of the PIPD.
    Scull indicated the suspect was believed to have acted alone and is a Presque Isle student.
    Because it is an ongoing investigation, Scull couldn’t, however, specify how the threat was made.
     Law enforcement were made aware of the incident at around 11:30 a.m. Sept. 18. School officials quickly evacuated the building.
    Pupils were dismissed for the day at 1 p.m.
    Scull was assisted at the scene by Officer Kevin Reed, Sgt. Joey Seeley and Chief Naldo Gagnon. A K-9 unit from the Maine State Police was called in to sniff for any bombs. Local and state police were joined in the search by members of the Aroostook County Sheriff’s Office. George Howe, Presque Isle’s EMA official, was notified of the incident as well. Presque Isle Public Works set up barricades, re-routing traffic away from the school.
    No bombs were found following a complete search of the school.
    Officers cleared the scene at about 3:30 p.m.
    If caught, the suspect may face a felony charge of terrorizing.
    Anyone with information on this case is asked to call 764-4476.