UMPI Hall of Fame
Two new awards were presented at the UMPI hall of fame banquet on Saturday. The Royal Goheen Award, awarded to the team with the highest grade point average, went to the women’s volleyball team with a GPA of 3.43. The Sharon Roix Award, awarded to the team with the most improved GPA, went to the men’s golf team. Europe Tour Tryouts
On Sunday, Sept. 30, from 1-3 p.m., the Dutch Soccer Academy will hold tryouts for their 2008 Europe Tour. All high school players between the ages of 14 and 18 are encouraged to come and tryout. All players must pre-register at the website and pay the $10 fee.
This year the DSA will travel to Holland and Belgium from Apr. 18-27. Participants will tour points of interest and experience the local culture, as well as compete in three matches against Holland teams. Cost of the tour is $2,500.
Aroostook Football League
Every game is on Saturday:
Sept. 28 at 7:30 p.m. against the Southern Knights in Houlton
Oct. 6 at 12:30 p.m. against the Valley Mustangs in Caribou
Oct. 13 at 3 p.m. against Washington Academy
Oct. 20 at 12:30 p.m. against Southern Knights in Caribou
Oct. 27 at 12:30 p.m., semi-finals in Caribou
Nov. 3 at 12:30 p.m., finals in Caribou
A fifth quarter will follow each game featuring less experienced players.
Basketball officiating school offered at PIHS
IAABO (International Association of Approved Basketball Officials) Board 150, which serves Aroostook County, will offer an officiating school for new officials beginning Oct. 1 at Presque Isle High School from 7-9 p.m.
The class fee is $40. For more information, contact Harry Orser at 425-4451 or visit the board web site at
Trail clearing
The Nordic Heritage Center is currently looking for volunteers to help with the trail clearing every Thursday until the work is done. Work begins around 5:30 p.m. and continues until dark. For more information, contact Eric Hendrickson at 764-0252.
Bicycle safety instructor training
Houlton Parks and Recreation will be offering a bicycle safety instructor training class on Tuesday, Oct.16 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. To register call Debbie Ladner at 623-4511.
The University of Maine at Fort Kent athletic department will host a 5K race on Saturday, Oct. 13. The start time is 10 a.m. and is open to all ages. Registration will begin at 9 a.m. at the UMFK sports center. The first 30 to register will receive a free t-shirt. Registration fee is $10 with proceeds to benefit the athletic department.
For more information contact Eric Werntgen at 834-7828.
Spud Speedway Results
Results from this weekends races follow.
In the Powder Puff Division: first, Leah McEwen of Fort Fairfield; second, Sheana Caron of Caribou and third, Charly-Rae Chandler of Mapleton.
In the Young Guns Division: first, Chase Chandler of Mapleton; second, Curtis Picard of St. Agatha and third, Kyle Gagnon of Caribou.
In the Northern Lights ‘A’ Division: first, Rick Saucier of Wallagrass; second, Bob Anderson of Caribou and third, Carter Chandler of Mapleton.
In the Northern Lights ‘B’ Division: first, Mark Graves of Castle Hill; second, Tharren MacDougal of Fort Fairfield and third, Christ Durepo of Limestone.
In the Street Stock Division: first, Milo Haney of Caribou; second, Jeff Willette of Presque Isle and third, Frank Simon of Woodland.
Corrections from last week’s results: second place in Northern Lights ‘A’ went to Jason Forbes and in Northern Lights ‘B’ to Ryan Cavagnaro.