Many of our articles in the past have discussed different accomplishments that the Presque Isle Downtown Revitalization Committee (PIDRC) has been a part of during the past year-and-a-half. The articles have also mentioned the importance of partnerships. We would like to take this opportunity to thank some of the people and organizations that have partnered with us to help revitalize our downtown. Our first thanks need to go to the strong, energetic group of people who serve on the PIDRC. They have unselfishly, and eagerly, given of their time, money, expertise, and energy to lay the foundation of what promises to be a new era for Presque Isle. Meetings have always been “fun-filled” and action-packed. We’ve even managed to get some things accomplished and others begun. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Heads of the city government and the City Council also deserve praise. Tom Stevens has provided strong guidance for us, and the City Council has supported us enthusiastically, offering many hours of their time to meet with us. Ken Arndt, head of the Planning and Development Department, has worked tirelessly on many projects, not the least of which has been the city’s new strategic plan.
And Larry Clark, head of the PI Industrial Council, has been doing amazing things behind the scenes to bring new energy to our downtown.
Aaron Buzza and his students from SAD 1 have also proved to be a strong ally. They’ve been watering the flower barrels for us during the summer, and they have agreed to help us more in the future. Thank you for all your help.
Speaking of plants, for the last two summers, Kinney’s has helped us with the real flowers in the barrels on Main Street, as well as the artificial flowers on the bridge and the flower boxes they were planted in. Ann White and Roberta Griffiths have worked hard to oversee the flower project for the past couple of summers, and the Presque Isle Garden Club has taken great care of the plot on the southwest corner of Main and State streets. They also maintain the flowers at the library. Thank you all for the gift of beauty that you’ve given our Main Street.
A huge thanks to our Presque Isle Police Department, as well. During wet days this summer, the flowers in the boxes on the State Street bridge would “float” out of their boxes, and several times, members of the police department would stop and replace them. We realize how much of an inconvenience that must have been. Please know how much we appreciate all your help.
We will be offering our appreciation to other organizations and individuals as time goes on. It is through strong partnerships such as these that we will achieve the best for Presque Isle.
We’d like to mention a couple of activities that will be coming up in the future. There will be more information within the next few weeks about each of them.
The first activity will be an economic survey for Main Street. The PIDRC will be helping with that survey and will be contacting business owners to get some information. This survey is being done by RKG Associates, a firm that is consulting with the Maine Department of Transportation about the bypass.
The PIDRC is not taking a stand on the bypass itself, and the survey will have no impact on where and when the bypass will be completed. The purpose is to help determine the economic impact of the bypass to this community. There will be more information in a future article.
The other activity is an Eggs and Issues Breakfast, tentatively scheduled for Friday morning, Oct. 12. The location and contact information will be forthcoming. Dana Connors will be the speaker and will talk about issues regarding downtown revitalization.
As always, Mr. Connors was eager to come to Presque Isle and talk to the people he knew as friends for so many years.
Again thank you to all the volunteers and groups who have partnered with us. We look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.
Question from last article: What business is located where the Maine Potato Shippers Heater Service used to be located on Main Street?
Answer: Wilder’s Jewelry Store.
New question: What legal office is located where the W.T. Grant store used to be located?
We welcome your thoughts and opinions. It’s your city. We need your input in order to make it better. You can e-mail us at or write us at: The Presque Isle Downtown Revitalization Committee, 411 Main St., Presque Isle, Maine 04769.
For more information about the PIDRC, e-mail us at or call Sandy Gauvin (764-0876), Cathy Beaulieu at Wilder’s Jewelry Store (764-0309), or Patty LeBlanc (769-7731), or you can contact us at the address listed above.
We meet at the Presque Isle Area Chamber of Commerce on the Houlton Road at 7:30 a.m. on the first and third Thursdays of each month. Please join in our efforts to help our wonderful city.
The Presque Isle Downtown Revitalization Committee is
an ad hoc committee of the Presque Isle City Council