Special assembly
A special assembly was held at Easton High School gymnasium on Tuesday, Oct. 16, when the school honored Steve Shaw, of Mars Hill, longtime educator, coach and presently the athletic administrator of the Easton School District. Shaw is one of the newest inductees into the Maine Sports Legends Hall of Honors.
This honor is presented to men and women for their extraordinary commitment and work behind the scenes both academically and athletically. He was officially inducted at the Maine Sports Legends annual banquet in Waterville on Oct. 7. Shaw, who played both basketball and baseball at the University. has a bachelor of science degree from Gordon College in Wenham, Mass., and a master of education from the University of Southern Maine. He served three years in the United States Army, including a tour of duty in Vietnam. While in the service, he played on several Special Services basketball teams and competed in the Fifth Army Championships. In 1975, he played for Venture for Victory Basketball and toured Kenya, Ethiopia and Egypt, competing against each country’s national teams, including the 1976 Egyptian Olympic Basketball Team. He has affiliations with Sports Power USA as an assistant coach and a patron of the team which is a touring team of former NBA Christian Basketball players.
Citing Shaw’s excellent record of educational and athletic endeavors over the years, Maine Sports Legends refer to his highly successful career as a high school coach, bringing the first Boys State Championship to Central Aroostook, at Mars Hill; twice being named Maine’s Coach of the Year; and many other records as part of their choice of Shaw to represent the Northern Region in the shrine for 2007.
Frank Keenan, Easton’s superintendent of schools, called Shaw, “An excellent teacher and a truly legendary sportsman who is admired and respected by everyone who has observed him and how he has lived his life.”
Tom Osgood, School Board member and director of Engineering, System Operations & Asset Management at Maine Public Service, called Coach Shaw a “class act in all the roles he has performed over his many years of service in his education and coaching career.”
Osgood said, “Only as my children have grown up and gone through our school system have I witnessed and fully understood and appreciated the time, effort and character Coach Shaw has brought to our school system. I have used Coach Shaw as an example to my children of what a role model should be – sustained excellence over a significant period of time that transcends any individual, school, sport or event.”
Shaw still plays basketball on a regular basis, is a field tester for Nike basketball shoes, gives basketball clinics around the United States and Canada and donates his talents to schools, church camps and individual youth who have a love of the game and want to excel in the sport. Keenan read and then presented Shaw with a letter from the Easton School Board thanking him for his dedication to the school and the sport. Shaw’s mother, Anna Shaw, and brother and wife, Roger and Heidi, all of Mars Hill, surprised him by being there for this assembly.
The special assembly was also a time to pay honor to the school’s soccer teams and their coaches and to raise the level of school enthusiasm for the game to follow with Mount Desert/Stonington, which the Easton boys won with 1 to 0. The sole goal was put in by Corey White. A big cheer and a lot of excitement occurred when Sean Daniels appeared at the field shortly after halftime and sat on the bench to cheer the boys on. Sean had just gotten out of the Eastern Maine Medical center where he had been hospitalized for several days after loosing his arm to a potato harvest accident. Sean was a great asset to the team during the season.
The Easton Kiwanis met on Tuesday, Oct. 16, for their supper and meeting. Guest speakers President Don Zillman of the University of Maine at Presque Isle and Rachel Rice of Public Relations from the University spoke to the group on Bond Issues 2 and 3 – for higher education – coming up soon. They handed out pamphlets explaining the two bond issues and the great need for a ‘yes’ vote. Those attending, besides the speakers, were: Bernard Hussey, Clair Carter, Barbara Blackstone, Loris Allen, Harold Clark and Mike Allen.
The Easton United Methodist Women met at the home of Dottie Beaton for their monthly meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 17, with eight members and one guest. Marie Hewitt opened the meeting with devotions and the word for the day was ‘grace.’ A prayer list was made up and the people on it prayed for. The Purpose was sung to the tune of “Blest Be The Tie That Binds” with Dottie playing the piano. After the secretary’s report by Marjorie Corey and the treasurer’s report by Marie, the president, Eldora Carter told the group that she would try to get at least one quilt on the frames so that it could be tacked before the sale on Nov. 17. Community service remained the same with everyone recycling and one member taking a woman to her work. Letters were read from several organization asking for donations. It was voted to donate a sum of money to the two nursing homes in Mars Hill and Presque Isle and the Westfield Boarding home for their Christmas programs. It was also voted to donate to the Dialysis Center at The Aroostook Medical Center in Presque Isle and also to the Salvation Army. Refreshments were served by the hostess and Margery Niblett. Those present were: Eldora Carter; Marie Hewitt; Marjorie Corey; Margery Niblett; Glenice Craig; Avis Hume; Carol Higley; the hostess; Dottie Beaton; and guest, Peggy Mitchell of Presque Isle.
Dan and Judy Wathen, of Augusta, were in Easton for several days coming on Friday, visiting with Jackie Bradley. They attended the special benefit supper for Sean Daniels and the next day Judy drove Dan to Grand Lake where he did some bird hunting with a friend. Judy came back to Easton to visit with her brother, Jimmy Foren, and her sister, Sheila Holmes. She picked Dan up on the way home.
Nina Trask drove her sister-in-law Fern Hull and daughter to Bangor recently, for doctor appointments and some shopping.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Buswell of East Corinth were afternoon callers on Avis Hume.
We want to congratulate Evan Graves, of Presque Isle, who is the phys ed teacher at the Easton High School and also soccer coach of the girls Jr. Varsity team, for being 14th in the Chicago Marathon before it had to be stopped over halfway through because of the severe rainstorm. Up to that time he was 5th in the runners from the United States. What might have happened if it had gone the course? We’re sure it would have been close.
We also want to congratulate Dottie Dudley, a former teacher at Easton High School, for being one of the five people recognized during the Clean Water Act anniversary. She was recognized for her teaching of thousands of Mainers of the values of Maine’s environment.
Halloween party
The Easton Wesleyan Church is holding a Trunk-or-Treat Party for the whole family, Wednesday, Oct. 31, at 6 p.m. There will be a blacklight puppet show followed by carnival games. Lots of prizes. End the evening by collecting candy from the trunks of cars parked in the parking lot. Games and candy collection are for children up to grade 6. For more information call 488-6874.
Photo courtesy of Eldora Carter
Steve Shaw, of Mars Hill, presently the athletic administrator of the Easton School District, was honored at a special assembly at the high school on Tuesday, Oct. 16, for being one of the newest inductees into the Maine Sports Legends Hall of Honors. With him is the new Easton High School principal, Georgette Ireland, and Superintendent of Schools Frank Keenan.