17 years ago

Image Staff photo/Mark Putnam
    OFFICERS ELECTED — Recently elected to serve the Presque Isle Rotary Club for the 2008-09 term of office were, from left, seated: Jeff Pangburn, treasurer; Nancy Fletcher, second vice president; Alton Hartt, president-elect; Jane Towle, first vice president; and Joy Barresi-Saucier, secretary. Standing: Michael Kelley Jr., assistant treasurer; Floyd Rockholt, director; Darren Collins, sergeant-at-arms; Joe Clukey, president 2007-08; Scott Carlin, director; Gina LeBlanc-Eggert, assistant secretary; Brian Hamel and Sue Brown, directors. Absent for the photo are directors Eric Waddell, Mike Thibodeau and Chad Bartley.