Varsity XC takes to NHC trails

17 years ago

    PRESQUE ISLE – The Caribou varsity cross country ski squads just nudged past their opponents in a meet held at the Nordic Heritage Center last Wednesday. The Wildcats skied in one point under the Viking score in a close girls’ finish. After the 5.4 km, the Viking boys had the majority in higher rankings to beat out Fort Kent, Presque Isle and Madawaska.     Girls’ individual results follow: 2, Hillary McNamee (Fort Fairfield) 21:47.7; 3, Lindsay Cote (Caribou) 21:59; 4, Rose Mary Williams (FF) 22:09.6; 5, Laura Collins (Caribou) 22:29.4; 6, Erin Thomas (PI) 24:29.7; 7, Hallie Bartlett (PI) 24:46; 9, Kristina McKenny (PI) 25:45.5; 10, Madison Outing (Caribou) 25:46.5; 11, Julia Brown (PI) 25:26.2; 12, Erika McKay (PI) 26:44.9; 14, Nicole Cyr (Caribou) 27:32.1; 15, Lily Sund (Caribou) 28:07.5; 16, Nicole Madore (Caribou) 28:11.8; and 17, Jen Steeves (PI) 29:55.3.
    Additional athletes participating were Karcynn Dorsey (Caribou) 28:26.7, Deavin Gustafson (Caribou) 28:31.4, Alecia Palmer (PI) 32:07.5 and Anne Elish (PI) 33:01.7.
    Boys’ individual results follow: 1, Joey Bard (Caribou) 16:35.1; 3, Corey Park (PI) 17:43.3; 4, Finn Bondeson (Caribou) 18:42.6; 5, Taylor Jepson (Caribou) 19:00.7; 7, Jordan Powers (Caribou) 19:07.7; 8, Jesse Stephens (Caribou) 19:40.7; 9, Lucas Mathers (PI) 20:02.6; 10, Joel Whitaker (PI) 20:07.8; 14, Ian Towle (FF) 21:50.7; 17, Jared Sleeper (Caribou) 22:00.7; 21, Ezra Duplissie-Cyr (Caribou) 23:04.7; 23, Nathan McLaughlin (FF) 23:20.8; 24, Eric Morris (PI) 23:28.1; 25, Luke Finnemore (Caribou) 24:04.2; 26, Brandon Hafford (PI) 24:25.1; 28, Matt Coty (Caribou) 24:51.3; 29, Paul Elish (PI) 25:00.1; 30, Justin Towle (PI) 25:08.4; 31, Kevin Strid (Caribou) 25:49.7; 32, Phil Smith (Caribou) 25:50; 33, Kurtis Perkins (PI) 25:51.5; 35, Adam Curtis (PI) 26:35.8; 36, Ethan Stetson (Caribou) 27:01.8; 37, Layne Waddell (PI) 27:43.3; and 38, Nick Shaw (PI) 28:40.6.