Staff Writer
The Aroostook Pioneer
Close call — One of the teams engaged in hauling ice for the Eastern Fresh Meat Co. ice house on Pleasant Street caused some excitement Friday.
The load of ice had been discharged when the team took fright and started on a mad run for town. It came down Pleasant Street and collided with two teams before crossing over Water Street to Market Square. It headed for Friedman’s Store where the horses jumped into a sled of wood which brought them to a stand still.
Luckily, no one was injured seriously and the horses only received a few scratches.
The Houlton Pioneer Times
On the horizon — The visit to Houlton in the past week of representatives from two substantial industries who have expressed interest in locating production facilities here was reported this week by Max Etscovitz, newly elected president of the Houlton Regional Development Corp.
Etscovitz also said negotiations are now under way to acquire a plot of land for industrial site development.
The Houlton Pioneer Times
Distinguished — Ann Moody was presented with the distinguished Pony Clubber of the Year trophy by Darcy Folsom at the annual meeting of the Meduxnekeag Pony Club. She was selected because of her availability to all the Pony Clubbers every single day of the year, for her participation in working on projects as well as fun things, for her teaching and help and for her outstanding horsemaster knowledge, as well as, nutrition and veterinary care.
Pioneer Times File Photo
RAINBOW GIRLS — In January 1983, Houlton Assembly No. 26, International Order of Rainbow for Girls, installed officers at the Masonic Hall. They were, from left: front, Janice Smith, Worthy Advisor Mary Ann Flewelling, Installing Officer Colleen Kearney of Caribou, outgoing Worthy Advisor Joleen Cronkhite, Carol Murray; back, Heather Williams, Jennifer Prince, Roxie McAfee, Robin Brackett and Jo Anna Bradford.