Aroostook County Democrats to hold Presidential Caucuses

17 years ago

    LITTLETON — Aroostook County Democratic Chair Virginia Manuel has announced the schedule for the 2008 Democratic Caucuses, which will be held Sunday, Feb. 10 for the listed municipalities in Aroostook County.  The primary purpose of the Feb. 10 caucuses is to vote for our Democratic presidential preferences. All Democrats, unregistered voters who wish to register as Democrats, and un-enrolled voters wishing to register as Democrats are highly encouraged to attend and participate to: vote for their Presidential preference; elect delegates and alternates to the Democratic State Convention to be held in Augusta from May 30-June 1, 2008; elect Democratic municipal committee officers; and to select Democratic election clerks to work at the polls on Election Day.
    Caucus voters must be registered to vote and enrolled as Democrats in their municipality. Individuals who have not previously registered to vote in their municipality may register/enroll as a Democrat at the caucus, on the day of the caucus. Any un-enrolled (no party affiliation) voter may register as a Democrat at his/her municipality’s caucus, on the day of the caucus. For further information, please contact Virginia Manuel at 532-7153.
Ashland – 1 p.m., Ashland VFW Hall, Linda Milligan, 227-9135.
Blaine – 2 p.m., Mars Hill Town Office, Nathan Smith, 429-8095.
Bridgewater – 2 p.m., Bridgewater Civic Building, James Gerritsen, 425-7741.
Castle Hill – 2 p.m., Mapleton-Castle Hill-Chapman Town Office, Deanna McHatten – 764-4826.
Chapman – 2 p.m., Mapleton-Castle Hill-Chapman Town Office, Pat Sutherland, 764-1490.
Easton – 1 p.m., Easton Elementary School, Carolyne Mahany, 488-2741.
Eagle Lake – 1 p.m., Eagle Lake Town Office, Dave Parent, 444-4511.
Fort Fairfield –1 p.m., Village Square, Jeff Ashby, 472-3082.
Mapleton –1 p.m., Mapleton-Castle Hill-Chapman Town Office, Terry Sandusky, 764-4916.
Mars Hill – 2 p.m., Mars Hill Town Office, Rep. Jackie Lundeen, 429-8558.
Presque Isle – 1 p.m., NMCC, Edmunds Conf. Center, Martha Grant, 760-9465 or 764-5636.
    According to Grant, registration for un-enrolled or unregistered voters will be available at 12:30 p.m. Presidential preference will take place at 2 p.m. Late arrivals will not be counted.
Wade – 2 p.m., Washburn Rec. Center, Steve Demaio, 455-8158.
Washburn – 2 p.m., Washburn Rec. Center, Louise Cole, 455-4723.
Westfield – 1 p.m., Westfield Town Office, Robert Glidden, 425-5071.
Winterville Plt. – 1 p.m., Eagle Lake Municipal Center, James Nadeau, 444-5302.