PRESQUE ISLE – The Coalition to Lower Fuel Prices in Maine will be hosting an open public meeting Saturday at the Presque Isle Middle School beginning at 10 a.m. The meeting, arranged by Russell Bugbee of Mapleton, includes but is not limited to Maine Senate Districts 34 and 35, which are also State House Districts 1 through 9, Aroostook County.
Maine’s federal delegation – Congressman Tom Allen, Congressman Michael Michaud, U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe and U.S. Sen. Susan Collins – have been invited to attend.
The following legislators of the 123rd Maine State Legislature have been requested to be present to hear the people who they represent: Gov. John E. Baldacci, Governor’s Director of Energy Independence and Security, John Kerry, Senate and House leadership, District 34 and 35 senators; Sen. John Martin and Sen. Roger Sherman; and representatives of House Districts 1 through 9: Rep. Troy Jackson, Rep. Charles Theriault, Rep. Bernard Ayotte, Rep. Peter Edgecomb, Rep. Jeremy Fischer, Rep. Jacqueline Lundeen, Rep. Patricia Sutherland, Rep. Richard Cleary, and Rep. Henry Joy.
The meeting will follow a town meeting format in which there will be three rules in effect: 1) No interrupting or challenging a person while they are speaking, 2) Keep your remarks limited to 3-5 minutes in length so others can speak, and 3) Do unto others as you would like done unto you.
The moderators will run the meeting making sure everyone gets to speak with the focus being on the need to lower fuel prices in Maine. Each person speaking will say their name, where they are from, and whom they represent if not themselves. The first 60 to 80 minutes will be the Coalition’s core group leaders speaking, and then other public speakers as they present themselves, followed by any government officials wishing to address their constituents.
Notes will be taken to provide all Coalition members with feedback that may assist them in helping assist Maine people.
There will be a table at the door with a sign-in sheet (all individuals attending must sign in), the Coalition’s statewide petition, and other public information relating to this issue.
For more information, log onto the Coalition’s Web site,