Entrepreneur workshop planned

17 years ago

    HOULTON — Women, Work & Community and the Southern Aroostook Cultural Arts Project will offer two workshop opportunities for artists, artisans and creative entrepreneurs this month.
    The first workshop, “How to Start an Artist Cooperative,” will be Tuesday, April 22 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at the Houlton Higher Education Center, Room 121. The session will offer practical information on how to get a cooperative underway and growing successfully.
    The second workshop, “Artists in the Schools,” will be Tuesday, April 29 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. also at the Houlton Higher Center, Room 121. This will include specific steps an artist can take to earn income by becoming a resource to schools.
    At each workshop, a panel of experts will guide attendees through a series of practical steps. Panel workshops, developed with the help of Maine Fiber Arts, will originate out of Augusta with local sites for participants that include Houlton, UMFK and UMPI.
    Pre-registration is required. There is no fee for the workshops. For more information or to register, call Erica at Women, Work & Community at 764-0050 or e-mail her at erica.quineaster@maine.edu.