Homemakers busy with spring activities
PRESQUE ISLE – On Monday, March 24, the Spragueville Homemakers extension met at the home of Janet Snow, with 10 members present.
President Lois Griffen called the meeting to order, followed by all reciting the Homemakers Creed. Secretary/treasurer LaVonne Walters took roll call, volunteer hours and gave her respective reports. Under New Business: Members were informed of the county spring meeting, to be held Saturday, May 3, Easton, at the Odd Fellows Hall. The Spragueville extension will co-host the event with Mapleton and Easton extensions, and will be responsible for furnishing salads for the luncheon; Lois volunteered to make name tags.
A discussion was held on ideas for the Fair Booth; a further special meeting on this project will be held in the near future.
Larry Park had contacted the extension regarding them possibly preparing and serving lunch for 100-150 people during the conference on “Tree Farming,” Aug. 9. Following a discussion of this matter, it was voted not to undertake this project, due to members being involved with numerous summer activities.
A mention of having a garage sale was tabled at this time.
Following the business meeting, Janet Snow presented a very informative and interesting program on “The Vegan Diet,” and had many food items for members to sample.
On Monday, April 28, 19 members attended an extension supper meeting at the Grant Memorial United Methodist Church. Ann Knight and former member Nancy Gettig, from Readfield, prepared homemade macaroni for the supper and prior to the business meeting, Ann and Nancy gave a demonstration on how they had earlier in the day made the macaroni, with obvious differences in their mother’s passed-down methods of preparing it.
Following the demonstration, president Lois called the meeting to order; members recited the Homemakers Creed, roll call was taken and volunteer hours were recorded. In the absence of secretary/treasurer LaVonne Walters, Marilyn Wheeler gave the respective reports.
Comments were given by Marilyn, Rose Barnes, Carmen Wiggins and Mona Cyr on the state spring meeting, which they attended in Augusta April 18 and 19. It was reported that a disappointing number of five extension members represented Aroostook at the meeting. Spragueville was pleased to have four of those five in attendance.
Tammy Wheeler said she had not yet gotten specific information regarding the “Balloon Fest,” but that she would do that and report back at the next meeting.
Lois reported that she, Norma Gudreau and LaVonne would meet at a later date in May to discuss the Fair Booth.
Lona Cyr passed out a contact phone number to those members who would like to be added to a “Do Not Call” list.
On Saturday, May 3, nine members represented the Spragueville extension at the county spring meeting in Easton. Everyone attending enjoyed the informative business meeting, lovely luncheon, and interesting entertainment, furnished by six ladies from the Mic-Mac community, who performed a musical program of native chants and songs, while accompanying themselves on hand-held drums. The ladies were very gracious in informing the group of their musical traditions, and were very receptive to several questions by those in attendance.
The next gathering of the local extension will be their yearly outing and dinner on May 19; the group will travel to Smyrna for a tour of the Amish community, followed by dinner at the Brookside Restaurant. Departure time will be at 2 p.m. from the Grange Hall on the Houlton Road.