Fowler hits the ground running as new Chamber director

17 years ago
By Kathy McCarty  
Staff Writer

   After months without someone to head the Presque Isle Area Chamber of Commerce on a full-time basis, the organization’s Board of Directors has selected a local woman to assume the duties of executive director – Theresa Fowler, of Mapleton.

   “Theresa’s background and energy level is very impressive,” said Carol Bell, president of the PIACC. “She has been on the job since April 21 and has already impressed the Board members with her creativity and decisiveness.”
   Originally from Canada, Fowler moved back to the area, bringing with her a diverse background in banking and business management. Past achievements included leading the Atlantic Waterfowl Celebration as its executive director from 1989 to 1993.
   “I’m very excited about being chosen as the executive director for the Chamber. I look forward to learning more about central Aroostook County, working closely with members and business owners, as well as helping to attract new residents and business opportunities to the area,” said Fowler.
   Fowler said she grew visiting the area and hopes through her work with the Chamber to be able to help shape the continued growth of the region.
   “We have a great area to promote,” she said. “I was attracted to the Chamber because I feel there’s a potential for growth in the Presque Isle area.”
   It was her desire to be a part of that growth. As the head of the Chamber, she’ll have a hands-on opportunity to play a role in the region’s future.
   “I wanted to be a part of that growth – of expansion and the positive energy that comes with it,” said Fowler.
   Fowler’s educational background includes business administration, with a major in accounting.
   “I’ve worked in the banking industry for a number of years. That work taught me about business needs – what it takes to be a success. I can use that to work with businesses in my new position with the Chamber,” Fowler said.
   As a child, Fowler recalled special trips to Presque Isle she made with her family. She hopes to use that knowledge as a tool to promote area businesses – both locally and for cross-border shoppers.
   “It was the city to come to to shop. I understand the distance issue but also know that Canadians are willing to travel to shop. They come from all up and down the St. John River Valley,” said Fowler, noting that the strong Canadian dollar is adding to the cross-border traffic for local merchants.
   As the head of the Chamber, she hopes to attract not just local businesses to become members of the Chamber but Canadian ones as well.
   “I’ll be working to attract even Canadian businesses to the Chamber. As a recent arrival to the County, I see there are a lot of businesses here for people to be aware of. But we need to provide that information to those coming in,” said Fowler.
   Fowler said while she’s still looking into the specifics of involving Canadian businesses, it’s to the County’s advantage to have people visiting both sides of the border because often travelers will shop in both the U.S. and Canada when communities are in close proximity.
   The Chamber continues to send out informational packets filled with details on everything from shopping options to realtors for housing, restaurants, medical facilities, entertainment opportunities, schools, recreation and more.
   “The Chamber sends out a large number of informational packages annually on all communities covered by the organization,” said Fowler.
   The Chamber serves 13 County communities, including: Ashland, Blaine, Castle Hill, Chapman, Easton, Mapleton, Mars Hill, Masardis, Oxbow, Portage, Presque Isle, Washburn and Westfield.
   Fowler said she’s looking forward to all the activities ahead.
   “I hit the ground running. The Chamber has so many things going on this time of year – the City-Wide Yard Sale, Strawberry Shortcake Sale, parades, festivals – there’s just so much, but I’m looking forward to all of it,” she said.
   “I’m really excited about the energy – working with the Board members and the Downtown Revitalization Committee. This is really an international position,” said Fowler.
   Fowler said she’s got a lot of work ahead but already has ideas on ways to make improvements.
   “I’m still learning. I intend to meet with city/town management of the communities we represent. My objective is to re-determine what our members and potential members expect of the Chamber and figure out how we can meet their needs – how we can provide better and more services,” said Fowler.
   There’s a lot going on already for the Chamber this year but Fowler has a good grasp of the job and what needs to be done.
   “We’ve got a lot going on. The Chamber just wants to embrace – be a part of the communities it serves. We want to work with all the other organizations and community groups to enhance the area’s image and lifestyle,” said Fowler. “I’m looking forward to the year ahead. It should be very exciting.”
    Fowler welcomes input from residents and looks forward to a collaborative relationship with the members of the PIACC, the area economic development leaders and the Board of Directors. She can be reached at 764-6561 or by e-mail at


Staff photo/Kathy McCartyImage
    A NEW EXECUTIVE director has taken the helm at the Presque Isle Area Chamber of Commerce. Theresa Fowler was selected to fill the position and looks forward to working on many community projects in the months ahead, including plans for the city’s Sesquicentennial Celebration. Pictured, from left: Fowler and Valerie “Val” Lunn, who serves as part-time administrative assistant at the PIACC’s Houlton Road office.