County’s largest retailer should look closer to home to make scholarships

17 years ago

To the editor:
    While I applaud the local WalMart stores providing $7,000 to Camp CaPella in Holden for children with disabilities’ camper scholarships, I wonder why the local WalMarts (Houlton and Presque Isle) are not supporting youth with special needs for summer camp scholarships offered right here in Aroostook County? For the last two years, BRIDGES Transition Council has offered a summer camp project for youth with special needs ages 14-20 with a focus on transition topics as well as camp activities such as swimming, hiking, rock wall climbing, archery and zip line in Mapleton. We selected this location specifically because it was central for County youth to attend.
    Many youth here in Aroostook County do not apply because the family can not afford the fee. Some qualify for flex funding, however with all the recent budget cuts, this source is not available either. We are currently in danger of canceling our summer camp project due to lack of applications. This year especially with gas, oil and food prices soaring families do not have the funds to send their children to summer camp.
    I would love to see the local WalMarts step up to the plate and offer scholarships for BRIDGES Summer Camp; it would not cost them much and in the long run they would probably have more families shopping at their stores.
    Call 764-8331 for a summer camp application, to sponsor a camper or to volunteer at camp.
Jeanne Bugbee, Council staff