• Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Emery and son Mark, left recently for Fairfield where they will be residing.
• Prof. Red Doyle, a teacher in Houlton, has returned to his home in Caribou.
• John Harmon had the misfortune to step on a nail one day last week, the iron going clear through his foot. He is now under the doctor’s care and local blood poisoning is feared.
• The cellar for the new high school building has been excavated and workmen are busy making the concrete wall.
• Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Hamilton who have been living in Bangor for the past two years, where Mr. Hamilton has been attending the University of Maine Law School, have returned to Caribou where they will be residing.
• Evelyn Smith has moved from the Bartlett store on High Street into the store recently vacated by Mr. Harvey, the druggist.
• The social season at Caribou High School was brought to a glorious end with the Senior Hop, held recently in the gymnasium. The outstanding features of the evening, the so-called social register and the superb sound effects obtained by the Symphonians added to the merriment of the 130 couples in attendance. Each entry on the dance cards was named for a student or a school affair. From the first ‘warm-up’ trot to the last strains of the final waltz, the evening was a big success.
• Of the 15 men who left Caribou recently to work in the government reforestation camps in the state, word has been received that Floyd Stubbs and Herbert Burgess are in the camp at Greenville.
• A number of camps at Cross and Square lakes have recently been connected by telephone so that for the first time in their history, direct connection can be made with the outside world by this means. The camps are Fraser’s and Yerxa’s at Square Lake and Austin’s at Cross Lake.
• Mr. and Mrs. James M. Jacobs observed their 50th wedding anniversary by opening their Teague Street home to their many friends and neighbors. James, 78 and Mrs. Jacobs, 72, were married in Auburn, June 17, 1883. The couple later settled on a farm in Washburn where they raised their nine children.
• Miss Lillian Erickson, postmistress in Stockholm, is occupying her cottage at Madawaska Lake and hiking back and forth to her work.
• Miss Helen Vincent of Stockholm, a student nurse at Cary Memorial Hospital, is enjoying her two weeks’ vacation at her home.
• Work is proceeding on the road on the Caribou-Connor line separating the O.L. Farnsworth and Mrs. Gladys McDougall’s farms. This road leads to the dam and reservoir being built to furnish water to Loring Air Force Base.
• Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Jepson recently celebrated their golden wedding anniversary with a gathering of friends and relatives at the New Sweden Baptist Church.
• State Policeman Fred Cocker was called to Stockholm recently when a vehicle from Canada hit a car driven by Albert Hjulstrom who was leaving for his home after voting at the polls. Both cars were badly damaged but no one was injured.
• Miss Janice Swiek has returned home after completing her first year at Mr. Merici Academy in Waterville.
• Ezra James Briggs will be the principle speaker at the Caribou High School graduating ceremony this week. The Valedictory speech will be presented by student Reginald Burleigh and the Salutatory by Keith Grant. The CHS Class of 1958 boasts 31 honor graduates.
• Dick Magill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Magill arrived home recently to spend time with his parents after completing his studies at law school in Chicago.
• Leslie-Anne Gregory received a bachelors degree at the 162nd commencement exercises at Colby College.
• Sgt William R. Cooley, son of Janet and Richard Cooley of Washburn has graduated from the Air Force non-commissioned officer leadership school at Mather Air Force Base, Calif.
• Staci Williams, one of the three top academic students at the Woodland Consolidated School, gave the eighth-grade class history during recent graduation exercises.
• Lisa Moir, served as class marshal for the graduating grade eight Woodland students.
• The medical staff from Cary Medical Center issued a unanimous statement supporting a municipal ambulance in the city of Caribou.
• Caribou High School graduated 222 seniors during last week’s commencement ceremony.