Friday, June 6
9 a.m. North Main Street — Animal Complaint — Caller reported two dogs running loose on North Main Street, leaving deposits in people’s flower beds. Action — Animal Control Officer was notified and he will try to locate dogs.
10:37 a.m. High Street — Found property — Female advised police her husband had located a wallet in a potato field.
Action — Police will attempt to locate owner of property.
12:20 p.m. York Street — Motor Vehicle Complaint — Caller reported a vehicle had rolled into the street.
Action — Officer spoke with vehicle owner who thought the emergency brake was on.
2:38 p.m. Access Highway — Criminal Mischief — Owner of a building on the Access Highway reported a pellet hole through one of the windows was discovered by a maintenance person.
Action — Police were given name of contact person.
2:45 p.m. High Street — Criminal Trespass — A male caller advised police of a neighbor who had trespassed on his property to cut a tree down that was on his property.
Action — Officer spoke with the caller and subject who owned the tree but which was on caller’s property when it fell. Neighbor subject was on caller’s property when cutting the tree up.
2:54 p.m. Bennett Drive — Theft — An employee from a local business reported a male shoplifter had been apprehended but subject had left. Employee witnessed subject opening a hair color box, placing the contents in his pocket.
Action — Officer gained information as to where subject is employed and obtained photo from business camera. When located, subject will be summoned to court.
3 p.m. Bennett Drive — Police Information — Police were informed that skateboarders are using the outdoor pool as a skatepark area, and would them charged with criminal trespass and told to leave when located at that site.
5:10 p.m. Route 1 — Criminal Mischief — Business owner advised police that several vehicles had been keyed.
Action — Photographs were taken of four vehicles with scratches at an estimated $2,000 in total damages. Business owner said one individual he was aware of may have been involved due to a prior vehicle issue.
Saturday, June7
11:30 a.m. Bennett Drive — Motor Vehicle Complaint — Caller reported a vehicle operator had almost struck the side of his vehicle while traveling at an excess speed through a local parking lot.
Action — Officer will speak to subject if located.
2:54 p.m. Lafayette Street — Phone Harassment — Caller advised police of a male subject who was calling his residence, ranting and raving.
Action — Officer will attempt to locate subject and have calls cease.
3:32 p.m. Washburn Street — Disorderly Conduct — Caller reported neighbors had been playing the drums for the last two hours straight and would like them to stop.
Action — Officer checked the area and could not hear anyone playing drums.
5:42 p.m. High Street — Theft —Caller reported being informed that a large political sign was missing from the Bennett Drive and High Street intersection. Caller advised that the sign had been there the previous day and no authorization had been given for its removal. Cost of item is $250.
Action — Officer checked the location and found both the signs and all the poles were gone.
Sunday, June 8
1:14 a.m. Jacobs Avenue — Criminal Trespass — Caller advised police that someone was banging on his door and refused to say who it was. Caller requested police to come to his residence.
Action — Officer located subject who wanted to buy some alcohol. Subject was advised not to return to caller’s residence per his request.
2:32 a.m. Vaughn Street — Domestic — Maine State Police called reporting a 9-1-1- call received from a Vaughn Street residence. Female caller stated her husband had returned home and was extremely intoxicated, making threats about killing people.
Action — Responding officers found male subject intoxicated and determined threats were toward individuals which his wife may choose to be around, but no one specific. Parties are in divorce process and reside in separate rooms at the residence. Both parties were to leave each other alone for the night.
Monday, June 9
13:30 p.m. Woodland Road — Check on Well-being — Caller reported a dog on the Woodland Center Road was tied outside with no shelter and just a small dish for water. Requested police check on the animal.
Action — Officer would check on animal and contact Animal Control Officer if needed.
4 p.m. Jacobs Avenue — Check on Well-being — Male from a business advised police of a female subject who had been calling the business all day and was making comments about harming herself.
Action — Officer checked on subject who related she was fine and was meeting with a counselor the next day.
Tuesday, June 10
3:05 a.m. Rose Street — Animal — Caller reported her cat had some type of a small animal or bat trapped in her kitchen and requested assistance removing it from the residence.
Action — Officer caught and removed a bat from the house.
9:40 a.m. Main Street — Animal Complaint — Caller advised while walking her dogs on Main Street, two dogs which run loose come after hers.
Action — Officer spoke to Animal Control officer who will speak to owner of unleashed dogs advising that next time a summons may be in order.
2:50 Park Street — Disorderly Conduct — Caller reported that two juveniles were standing in the park throwing eggs.
Action — Officer checked the area, no one there at that time.
6:35 p.m. Russ Street — ATV Complaint — Caller advised of three four-wheelers driving back and forth and up and down the street with juveniles on them. Another caller from the same area complained of subject vehicles driving thrpugh her yard and she had told them to stop. Subject just took off.
Action — Police located four-wheelers parked on Oak Street. Subject were lost and didn’t know where the ATV trail went.
Wednesday, June 11
9:45 a.m. Access Highway — Motor Vehicle Complaint — While escorting vehicles to Limestone, officer reported a vehicle had passed the procession.
Action — Limestone Police will check on vehicle operator.
9:50 a.m. Belanger Road — Animal Complaint — Caller advised police she rides her bike on the Belanger Road near a residence where there is a dog that charges after her. Caller said she sprayed the animal with repellent and wanted Animal Control Officer to be aware of the incident.
Action — Animal Control Officer was notified and will attempt to determine owner of unleashed dog.
1031 a.m. Access Highway — Lost Property — Caller reported that she lost a prescription drug on June 2 stating she needed a police report in order to replace the drug.
Action — Police had no way to substantiate if the prescription drug had been lost or not.
4:36 p.m. High Street — Assault — Caller requested an officer’s presence at a local parking lot due to an altercation taking place.
Action — Officers responded, finding a male subject upset with another male. Subject was arrested for assault and disorderly conduct.