ARE lists summer sessions

17 years ago

    Aroostook Retired Educators Association (AREA) President Robert White, of Caribou, has announced the group’s summer meeting plans.
    The June 24 noon dinner meeting will be in Littleton at the Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum. Maine Education Association-retired State President Paul Bouchard will speak following the meal. The July 29 meeting will be at Nowland Hall at UMFK in Fort Kent where the speaker will be William Smythe on estate planning. The Limestone Job Corps will host the Aug. 26 session. The program will be an update on Aroostook Services for Seniors.
    The final meeting is to be Sept. 30 at the Presque Isle Inn and Convention Center with Vaughn Martin talking about the Francis Malcolm Science Institute. Attendees bring non-perishable goods to each meeting for distribution to local food banks.
    The Aroostook Retired Educators Association has the largest membership of any of the county groups in the state. Current officers include Pres. White; lst Vice-President Peter Edgecomb of Caribou; 2nd Vice-President Carol McElwee, Caribou; Recording Secretary Lorraine Redwine, St. David; Corresponding Secretary Diane Parent, Caribou; Treasurer Paul Bouchard, Fort Kent; and Assistant Treasurer Rena Kearney, Mars Hill. If any retired educator would like further information, contact Pres. White at 498-2796.