Court News

17 years ago

    The Caribou District Court heard the following cases during the month of June 2008.
    Arnold Bubar III, 19, Limestone: operating while license suspended or revoked, filed on $125 costs.
    Rodney A. Bubar, 51, Caribou: operating under the influence, 1 prior, guilty; operating while license suspended or revoked, guilty.
    Marshall P. Burby, 41, Caribou: operating snowmobile under the influence, $500 fine.
    Antoinette Caron, 23, Oil City, Penn.: operating vehicle without a license, filed on $75 costs.
    Casey D. Clayton, 20, Caribou: minor consuming liquor, $600 fine.
    Anette Cleveland, 46, Presque Isle: OUI- 1 prior, $700 fine, three days in jail.
    Keith W. Cocheran III, 33, Presque Isle: OUI, $500 fine, license suspended for 90 days.
    Michael J. Cooper, 19, Fort Fairfield: operating while license suspended or revoked, $500 fine; reproducing motor vehicle plates without consent, $250 fine; failure to register vehicle, $150 fine.
    Steven C. Cray, 24, Connor TWP: operating while license suspended or revoked, $500 fine; OUI, $500 fine, license suspended for 90 days; operating ATV on public way, $150 fine.
    Brian J. Cyr, 27, Caribou: operating ATV on public way, $200 fine.
    Shawn Devoe, 26, Revere, Mass.: criminal threatening, dismissed.
    Christopher K. Espling, 21, Caribou: assault, dismissed; trafficking in dangerous knives, $100 fine, disorderly conduct, offensive words and gestures, $100 fine.
    Vernie Faulkner, 88, Wade: passing stopped school bus, filed on $50 costs.
    Michael A. Fisher, 26, Caribou: disorderly conduct, offensive words and gestures, 60 days in jail; obstructing report of a crime, 60 days in jail; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, 60 days in jail; violating condition of release, $500 fine, 60 days in jail.
    Jamie L. Forsman, 25, Limestone: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200 fine; forgery, $176.99 restitution; violating condition of release, $200 fine.
    Matthew Gaudette, 20, Woodsville N.H.: minor possessing liquor, $200 fine.
    Roger A. Grendell, 43, Blaine: violating condition of release, $300 fine, five days in jail; operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine; possession of marijuana, $400 fine.
    Nicholas W. Griffeth, 28, Limestone: disorderly conduct, offensive words and gestures, dismissed.    
    David Guerrette, 48, Van Buren: three counts of failure to submit report, each a $150 fine.
    Rachael Gumprecht, 35, Washburn: operating while license suspended or revoked, filed on $125 costs; operating vehicle without a license, dismissed.
    Guy Levasseur Transport Inc., Pohenegamook, N.B.: inadequate markings on commercial vehicle, $100 fine.
    Vicky L. Hewitt, 39, Caribou: failing to make oral or written accident report, $200 fine; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200 fine.
    Jillian Hodges, 20, Caribou: criminal mischief, $200 fine, $574 restitution.
    George P. Howard, 52, Washburn: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $500 fine, 10 days in jail.
    Megan Lichterman, 24, Woodland: operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.
    John J. Ireland Sr., 26, Limestone: operating while license suspended or revoked, $500 fine.
    Henry C. Jolly, 26, Woodland: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $500 fine.
    Ashley Martin, 24, Perham: disorderly conduct, offensive words and gestures, $250 fine.
    Nancy McBreairty, 39, Caribou: theft of services, $400 fine. Not Nancy McBreairty who lives on Access Highway in Caribou.
    Kasey McCafferty, 19, Buckfield: failure to stop, failure to provide information, filed on $300 costs.
    Ralph Nichols, 19, Caribou: operating vehicle without a license, dismissed.
    Kerby S. Ouellette, 36, Caribou: operating snowmobile while under the influence, $500 fine; operating snowmobile to endanger, dismissed.
    Marianne Paul, 21, Caribou: domestic violence assault, $500 fine.
    Matthew R. Perreault, 26, Caribou: violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.
    John A. Poulin, 44, Lewiston: violation of a protective order, $300 fine.
    Robert Shuster, Jr., 18, Caribou: driving to endanger, filed on $150 costs.
    Keith J. Simon, 34, Caribou: allowing dog to be at large, $50 fine.
    Stephanie Simon, 31, Caribou: allowing dog to be at large, $100 fine.
    Lawrence Spaulding Jr., 35, Rochdale, Mass.: violating snowmobile noise level limits, $100 fine.
    Clinton J. St. Peter, 43, Caribou: operating or permitting operation of an unregistered motorboat, $100 fine.
    Jason Stiller, 32, Caribou: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine; attaching false plates, $150 fine.
    Zachary Swimm, 23, Washburn: violation of a protective order, $300 fine.
    Jennifer Theriault, 33, Stockholm: possession of marijuana, $350 fine.
    Johnathan Thompson, 24, Perham: failing to extinguish a fire, $100 fine.
    Christopher Tracy, 19, Caribou: violating condition of release, $200 fine, four days in jail; OUI, $600 fine, license suspended for 90 days; operating vehicle without a license, $100 fine.
    Jason R. Whitmore, 27, Caribou: criminal trespassing, filed on $50 costs.
    Travers Wills, 34, Limestone: operating snowmobile while under the influence, filed on $200 costs.
    Dawn M. Wipperman, 38, Caribou: operating while license suspended or revoked, filed on $125 costs.