Sports in brief . . .

16 years ago

Caribou Little League to hold awards night
The Caribou Little League will hold its awards night on Saturday, Sept. 6 at the Caribou Performing Arts Center beginning at 6:30 p.m., with a raffle to follow the awards. All parents and children involved in this year’s Little League season are urged to attend. All team members will receive awards. For more information, contact Kirk Cyr at 551-2727.
The Little League will be holding its fifth and final meeting of the season at the Caribou Wellness Center tonight at 7:15 p.m. All managers and coaches are required to attend. Among the list of topics is the election of officers for next year. For more information, contact Cyr at 551-2727 or Chad McNeal at 493-4542.

UMFK road race scheduled Sept. 20
The University of Maine at Fort Kent will host a five-kilometer road race on Saturday, Sept. 20 beginning at the UMFK Sports Center. Race-day registration and number pick-up will begin at 9 a.m. with the race beginning at 10 a.m.
The first 30 participants will receive a T-shirt. Racers will compete in four different age groups. For more information, contact Eric Werntgen at 834-7828.

OAPI to offer rafting trip
Outdoor Adventure Program International at the University of Maine at Presque Isle will host a whitewater rafting trip on Sunday, Sept. 14 to the west branch of the Penobscot River. The trip is available to UMPI students and members of the public.
Cost of a ticket is $60 for students and $85 for non-students. Student  ticket sales are currently under way, while non-students may purchase theirs beginning Thursday. For more information, contact Amanda Morin at 768-9401.

Youth hockey league seeking coaches
Presque Isle youth hockey is looking for adults interested in coaching or helping out with its five levels of youth hockey teams. Anyone interested in getting involved, please email

Sports history information sought
As part of Caribou’s sesquicentennial celebrations in 2009, The Aroostook Republican will run photographs and stories about the history of the city. Any readers with stories, photographs or information in relation to Caribou sports should email with attention sports in the subject line.

Triathlon, bike festival coming later this month
The Mad Lake Plod, Pedal and Paddle Triathlon will take place on Sunday, Sept. 14. The race begins at 9:30 a.m. at Brent Jepson’s camp on the South Shore Rd. in Madawaska Lake. The race will include a 4-mile run, 13-mile pedal and 4-mile paddle with a barbeque following. The race is open to all ages but there is no adult supervision. Please inform organizers of any intent to participate beforehand. Volunteers are also needed to help out at the event. For more information, contact Jepson at 492-2222 or Jeff Dubis at or 834-7543.
The TAMC/NHSC Fat Tire Festival will take place Sept. 27-28 at the Nordic Heritage Center in Presque Isle. Events will include an adventure relay, bike rodeo, downhill race and MMBA Point Series cross country mountain bike finale. For more information, visit

Bike trek slated
Join the American Lung Association of New England in one of the area’s most scenic and established cycling events: the 24th annual Autumn Escape Bike Trek, taking off in historic Plymouth, MA on Friday, Sept. 12 and ending in Provincetown on Sunday, Sept. 14, 2008.
There are only a few weeks to go, so sign up now at or call 1-800-LUNG-USA.