200 trees for 200 years effort continues

16 years ago

By Karen Donato
Staff Writer

    The tree-planting project that evolved because of Houlton’s Bicentennial celebration in 2007 continues with the planting of seven more trees around St, Mary’s of the Visitation Church in town.
ImageHoulton Pioneer Times photograph/Karen Donato
BEAUTIFYING THE COMMUNITY— Father David Raymond, left, was on hand for the planting of seven new trees around St. Mary’s Catholic Church and Rectory last week. Kay Bell, center and Sylvio Raymond, Jr. have assisted with this program as part of the 200th anniversary of the town of Houlton in 2007.

    Kay Bell was instrumental in getting this project off the ground, or would you say into the ground at one of the planning meetings for the bicentennial celebration.
    The project began with an initial gift of $2,000 from the Houlton Rotary Club to purchase the first lot of new trees. Then the community at large was invited to contribute in memorials, honorariums or simply as a gift to beautify the town.
    Town Manager Doug Hazlett and the Houlton Town Council worked with the committee to design a master plan for the placement of the trees. Areas that have received trees are: the Aroostook County Courthouse and Jail, the Police and Fire Departments, Monument Park, Pierce Park and from Pleasant Street to Charles Street. An additional group of trees will finish the project from Smyrna Street down North Street to the bridge.
    Houlton was hit hard in the late 60’s by the well-known, Dutch Elm disease that destroyed the grand elms of the town. The late Sylvio Raymond, former owner of Chadwick Florist, took on the task of removing the trees from the community. Now Raymond’s son Sylvio Raymond, Jr. is assisting with the placement of the new elms, as a tribute to his father.
    The new trees are called Discovery Elm and will be six to eight feet tall. They are disease resistant and hopefully will still be standing in 2108.
ImageHoulton Pioneer Times photograph/Elna Seabrooks
FALL BRILLIANCE — A rainbow over the county courthouse in Houlton brightened an otherwise dreary day after the rain stopped and the skies cleared last Thursday.