A great opportunity for all Maine tribes

16 years ago

To the editor:
    Finding a job in today’s economy can be a challenge; even more so of a challenge when one is a Native American with a disability. However, as a result of a recent five-year, $1.7 million award to the Houlton Band of Maliseets to service all Native Americans with disabilities in Maine, funded though the Department of Education, Vocational Rehabilitation Service Projects for American Indians with Disabilities, things are looking up.
    We are very exited about the opportunities this program will offer all the tribes in Maine. The unique approach of this program that is far different from that of the state is that we will be providing the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services at each tribe. Our tribes know our cultural heritage and people best; therefore, it offers a sound approach in providing direct on-site services to reach our members. On-site services remove the barrier of travel to other locations and provides immediate access to VR services. This Program will offer job-related services, including job search and placement assistance, job retention services and follow up services.
    A Memorandum of Understanding will be incorporated with the state of Maine’s VR Services to maximize services. The state provides a wealth of resources for the Tribe with their years of providing VR services, and in-depth knowledge of the administrative federal rules and regulations that govern the grant. And though the state will not have any administrative capacity for the project, they will certainly be available to help train staff, assist with the development of the program, serve on the advisory committee and enhance consumer services.
    We are excited to announce that this new program will create four new full-time positions; a director, one administrative assistant and two rehabilitation counselors. All activities within this project are focused on promoting and ensuring participation of consumers for a successful employment outcome.
Brenda Commander, chief Houlton Band of Maliseets