A vote for Lundeen is a vote for Aroostook’s prosperity

16 years ago

To the editor:
    On Election Day, I will cast my vote for Rep. Jackie Lundeen who is running for Senate District 34 encompassing many towns from Presque Isle south to Houlton and the rest of southern Aroostook.
    Jackie comes from Mars Hill, having farmed for over 40 years with her husband and family. She knows Aroostook County well and understands the issues of working families, farm owners and small businesses here. She has represented us very well over her four terms in the State Legislature and is a well-respected legislator in Augusta who has worked across party lines to get things done. She serves on both the Agriculture Committee and Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee so is an expert on these key areas that represent the lives and interests of so many citizens in Aroostook.
    She has been a strong opponent of school consolidation, taking on her own party to represent the views of many who live in very rural areas in Aroostook County that would be adversely impacted by consolidation. She also voted for the budget that would continue the Maine Revenue Service Office in Houlton, unlike her Senate opponent. These are good-paying jobs with benefits that we must keep in the area and Jackie fought hard for keeping these along with the Aroostook Democratic delegation.
    What I like most about Rep. Lundeen is that she has common sense, quiet dignity, and a hard-working farm background that is at the center of Aroostook County life. Please consider Jackie Lundeen for Senate District 34 when you vote on November 4. Your vote would be a positive investment in Aroostook’s economic prosperity.
Arnold Roach
Smyra Mills