Food Pantry topic of Kiwanis meeting

16 years ago

Kiwanis Club
       The Easton Kiwanis Club met for their bi-monthly meeting on Oct. 7 at the Odd Fellows Hall with six members and two guests present. After a delicious supper of stuffed pork chops, rolls, peas and pie, supplied by Mike’s Family Market, the meeting began with a salute to the flag and a prayer by Barbara Blackstone.

    President Harold Clark reported on the Easton Food Pantry and said due to the  unavailability of the Odd Fellows Hall, one of the days of the Food Pantry being open would have to be on a Sunday. He told the group that the pantry has helped 27 families so far and also told them that Easton’s Key Club is willing to help with the weatherizing project this year. He then turned the gavel over to the new president, Michael Allen.  
    Mike was the Kiwanis president 15 years ago and said that this time around he would talk less and get more done. He told the group that at the first meeting in the month there would be a Board meeting and at the second meeting in the month he would try to have a speaker.
    Kiwanis Lt. Governor Deirdre McMahon, and her husband, Past Lt. Governor Tim McMahon, of Presque Isle, were present and she proceeded to tell the group that Kiwanis Governor Richard England and his wife, Jackie, of Cape Cod, Mass., would be at the Oct. 31 meeting of the Easton Kiwanis. At that time he would install the new officers. She said that other towns would be invited and asked that those attending s bring some canned goods for the Food Pantry and also dress in costume for Halloween. The next morning, Nov. 1, the Easton Kiwanis will hold a Hunter’s Breakfast from 4:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.  
    Mike gave the treasurer’s report in the absence of his wife, Loris, who is incapacitated with a broken leg.  He then passed the podium over to Board Chairman Barbara Blackstone, who passed around the statements for the past year’s spending and fund-raising and also the budget for the next year. It was voted to pass the new budget for 2008-09.  
    The group also voted to donate $50 to the Easton Parent Community Organization (EPCO) to help with their Harvest Party to be held on Oct. 17 at the Easton Elementary School. Loris Allen and Vaughn Martin were chosen to head up the Community Food Basket program for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Mike Cyr was to plan the suppers, as they are produced in his store.
    There was some discussion about a lady in town who needs help getting new hearing aids. The topic was discussed and it was decided to try to get help from some of the agencies available to help and then do what they can to also help. It was suggested that perhaps a fund-raiser of some kind could be something they could also do. It was left at that as the meeting ended.  
    The new officers for 2008-09 are: Michael Allen, president; Ann Osgood, vice president; Keith Richardson, secretary and treasurer; and Keith’s wife, Esther, assistant; Barbara Blackstone, is the new Board chairman. Those present were guests: Lt. Governor Deirdre McMahon and her husband, Past Lt. Governor Tim McMahon, of Presque Isle; Harold Clark, Mike Allen, Barbara Blackstone, Mike Cyr, Clair and Eldora Carter, and Esther Richardson.
Easton PCO
   The Easton Parent Community Organization will be holding their annual Harvest Party at the Easton Elementary School on Friday, Oct. 17, going from at 6 to 8 p.m. There will be new games added to some of the old ones, a cake walk, lots of prizes and costume judging. As an entrance fee you are asked to bring a can of something to be donated to the Easton Kiwanis Club for the Easton Food Pantry. Donations of prizes or money for the party are welcomed and can be left at the school. The EPCO cookbook is at the printer’s and will hopefully be on sale by Thanksgiving. The Doll Raffle is back this year and that drawing will be held at the Christmas Concert.
Senior citizens
       The senior citizens of Easton took their annual Leaf Peeping Tour last Thursday, though the peeping was hindered by the overcast day. They did have a good time stopping at the Ashland Motor Lodge for the mid-day meal and then proceeded on toward Oxbow to visit a beautiful gift shop part way in to the river. They did not go to the end of the road but returned home  by way of the State Road. Those taking the bus ride were: Helen King, Lois Ladner, Regina Thomas, Pat Schribner, Paula Clark, Elizabeth Martin, Glenice Craig, Eldora Carter, Arlene Ladner, Ida Doak, Vera and Jerry Shaw, Vera Cullins, Liana and Paul DeMerchant, Joann Johnson, Rena Richardson, Ezalee Smith, Lindy Fowler, Margery Niblet, Marie Hewitt, John and Nina Trask, and the bus driver, Dellas Adams.
       The next meeting of the Happy Days Senior Citizens Club will be held on Thursday, Oct. 23, with Dottie Sines of the Aroostook Area Agency on Aging as guest speaker. She will be speaking on dimentia and Alzheimer’s.
       A surprise 80th birthday party was held at the West Ridge Manor recreation room on Saturday, Oct. 11, for Marjorie Corey, put on by her children. A large crowd of family and friends attended the open house affair from 1 to 4 p.m., with all wishing Marjorie all the best.
   Oct. 11 was also the wedding anniversary of Sheri and Travis Carter, who celebrated by going to Waterville on Friday where Travis attended a basketball coaches’ clinic. They returned home on Sunday.
   We wish C.J. King, Randi Ladner and Chuck Halvorson a very happy birthday today, and the same to Ann Osgood, Mike Milbury and young Jake Flewelling, who celebrate their birthdays tomorrow.
Cross country ski rentals
    The Easton Recreation Department, in cooperation with Mojo’s, will be offering a complete package of cross country skis, boots, poles and bag for the price of $50. To rent skis through the recreation department, an adult/guardian and child must come to a sizing afternoon on Friday, Oct. 17, at the elementary school from 2:30-3 p.m. and pay the full rental price of $50 at that time. If this time doesn’t work for you, please e-mail the recreation department at prior to the 17th and arrangements can be made. Rental equipment will be available for pickup the week of Nov. 17 at any time Hillary is at the hall or by appointment (to make an appointment call 551-7737).  
    The department’s Ski for Life program will start in early January (or when we get snow) with guest instructors and a minimum of one group ski a week (weather permitting).  This is open to grades 1 and up; younger children may ski with a parent.
Weight Watchers class
    There has been interest in starting a Weight Watchers class again in the community. Classes will meet on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday evening, depending on what is best for the group. Meetings last for 12 weeks and the $145 fee covers classes and materials.
    If you are interested in being involved, please drop a check off to the Town Office made out to Weight Watchers. As soon as we have 15 paid members, we can begin. During our last 12-week session the group lost over 200 pounds; it is a wonderful, healthy way of living.       
Gymnastics class begins
    Kate Green will be on hand to teach six weeks of gymnastics classes (tumbling, balance, flexibility and more) on Wednesdays starting Oct. 15 through Nov. 19. The cost is $12 for six weeks and this is open to ages four and up. The children will be bused to the hall after school; instruction time will run from 3:15-4 p.m.  
Rec calendar
    Wednesday, Oct. 15 – Junior activities at the hall from 9:30-11 a.m. This program is up to children ages 2 through ECP students. Senior exercise at 1 p.m. at the manor recreation room. First gymnastics class after school until 4 p.m. at the hall. Pre-registration is required. The cost is $12 for six weeks of lessons.  
    Thursday, Oct. 16 – Seniors’ tour to the New Sweden Historical Society and lunch at Jeff’s Restaurant in Caribou. The bus will depart from the hall at 9 a.m. Girls’ grades 5 and 6 game vs. Presque Isle.  
    Friday, Oct. 17 – Junior activities at the hall from 9:30-11 a.m. Senior spaghetti lunch and BINGO at the 11:15 a.m. in the recreation room at the manor. Cross county ski sign-ups at the elementary school from 2:30-3 p.m.
    Saturday, Oct. 18  – Grades 5 and 6 Tournament in Presque Isle at the Skyway Complex. Time to be announced.
    Monday, Oct. 20 – Senior nutrition class at 11 a.m. in the recreation room at the manor. The cost is $2 towards the cost of food. After-school hike on the Fry Pan Road.  
    Tuesday, Oct. 21 – Game Day from 3-4:30 p.m. at the hall.
Hunter’s Breakfast
    The Easton Kiwanis will be holding a Hunter’s/Community Breakfast on Nov. 1 from 4:30 to 8:30 a.m. at the Odd Fellows Hall on Station Rd. Eggs, beans, bacon and all the fixings. $6 adults, $3 children 6-12, 5 years old and younger eat free. Proceeds to benefit Kiwanis Special Projects.

    Eldora Carter is the correspondent for Easton. She can be reached at 488-5961. 


ImagePhoto courtesy of Eldora Carter
    Children from the Easton Recreation Department were joined by Mars Hill and St. Agatha Recreation departments for a trip to Greenland Adventure Center  in Princeton. While there the children were able to canoe, kayak, fish, shoot bows and arrows, had a map and compass class, went fishing, on a scavenger hunt and took part in team-building games. 



Photo courtesy of Eldora CarterImage
    Hannah Ferris showed off her kayaking skills at the Adventure Center in Princeton. 





ImagePhoto courtesy of Eldora Carter
    The Easton Elementary School recently held an “Honor Our Heroes Day” with lunch and entertainment. In the back row are members of the National Honor Society from the Easton Jr./Sr. High School.