Work nears completion
The sign is nearly ready to go up, just waiting for the installation of the vinyl siding and then Elizabeth Richardson will be opening the Washburn Soup Kitchen the middle of November, located at 18 Trafton Street.
This is an opportunity for Washburn residents to get together and help our community help others. This winter season promises to be a hard one with the economy and hard times being as they are and fuel prices at an all-time high.
Temporary hours will be two days a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 3 to 5 p.m. There will also be a Food Pantry on the premises, and food boxes will also be put up based on income guidelines and distributed on a weekly schedule to be set up in the near future.
This program is not funded by any government program, not grant-funded and is all non-profit, so any donations of canned, frozen or other non-perishables will be welcome. Monthly gifts will also be much appreciated as well as any other monetary donations. The site of the kitchen is being donated by T.J. Winslow as well as others who have generously supported the opening of the Soup Kitchen including Wal-Mart, Dead River and a donation from St. Catherine’s Thrift Shop, Washburn Food Mart, Babe’s Variety, Gift Food Pantry, ACAP and Good Shepherd Food Pantry.
Upcoming through the Washburn school system will be a two-week food drive for those who wish to send non-perishables with their children, and a special food drive to be done weekly by the State Road Advent Christian Church.
This program is being operated on a volunteer and donation basis, so any individuals or groups wishing to donate time to serve, cook and clean up will be more than welcome, with short- or long-term volunteers much appreciated. The “Wish List” for the Washburn Soup Kitchen includes: pots and pans, a refrigerator, a chest freezer, some big kettles, as well as tables and chairs.
There is currently an abundant supply of clothes, shoes, coats and other winter wear. Donations of food, money and clothing will be thankfully accepted. All proceeds of the Soup Kitchen will go towards the operational costs of the kitchen. Officers include: Director Elizabeth Richardson, Overseer Alice Curtis, Treasurer Lucy Lovely and Board members Alice Curtis, Kathy Winslow and Tracey Richardson. More Board members are hoped for, especially one to fill the position of secretary. There will be monthly meetings held by the board in order to ensure proper operation of the kitchen.
There will be informational leaflets in area stores and businesses in the near future and for further information, contact Elizabeth Richardson at 455-4900.
A special belated birthday wish goes out to Eldon McPhearson who turned 87 years old last week.
Those celebrating birthdays this week include: Brent Turner, Calvin Wardwell, Bruce Berube, Trent Cunningham, Vickie Ericson, Christopher Peary, Anneke Kierstead, Daniel White, Wayne Churchill, Leslie Martin, Jon Hester, Gerald Clark, Melissa Jordan, Richard Whitney, Byron Flood, Angelita Hernandez, Marie Brown, Laurel Whipkey, Roxanne Cray and Shari Hatch.
A special 60th anniversary wish goes out to Elky and Dolores Woodman.
Others celebrating anniversaries this week include: Arnie and Brenda Devoe, Danny and Doris Churchill, Matt and Erin Valone, Don and JoAnn Thompson, Elmer and Marie Brown, Dyland and Michaela Conley, Dale and Bonnie Lavway, Keith and Alana Brooks.
Coming events
Washburn’s Class of 2011 will be holding a combination garage and bake sale at the Civic Center on Saturday, Oct. 18, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Their class advisor is math teacher Ben Goodwin.
The next scheduled Washburn Town Council meeting will be held on Monday, Oct. 20, at 7 p.m. at the Civic Center. This change is due to the Columbus Day holiday.
On Thursday, Oct. 16, there will be a free flu shot clinic held at the Civic Center from 4 to 6 p.m. This service is offered to residents ages 9 years of age or older. Please bring your Medicare card if you participate in the Medicare program.
On Saturday, Oct. 18, there will be a Rabies Clinic held at the Washburn Civic Center from 1:30 to 2 p.m. The fees for dogs are: Rabies $8, Distemper/Parvo $9 and Lepto 4 $9. Fees for cats are Rabies $10, Feline Leukemia $16, and Distemper $9. The rabies certificate must be presented in order to register your dog. For further information, contact Anne Carter at 455-8485.
On Tuesday, Oct. 21, experts from the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Office will be on hand from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Civic Center with tips on how to make your home “greener.” There will also be information about recycling, environmentally safe items and money-saving ideas to make your home more energy efficient.
TOPS will be meeting each Monday at the Washburn Trailrunners clubhouse, starting with weigh-in at 4:15 p.m. and the meeting from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. For further information, contact Birdena Cochran at 455-8353.
The national election for the office of president will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 4. The polls will be at the Civic Center and open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Anyone wishing information on registration or absentee ballots, please stop by the Town Office or phone them at 455-8485.
Rotary ‘wheels’
Washburn Rotary International has been sponsoring some yearly trips to the Challenger Learning Center in Bangor, as well as a trip to Space Camp in Huntsville, Ala., this past June. SAD 45 teacher Mena Irving took her class to Bangor, and three students including Zach Davis, Angelita Hernandez and Mason Turner went to the Space Camp as well. Mrs. Irving was chosen a year ago to participate in an educators’ version of Space Camp and also attended again this year. She was also able to check in with her students a few times, as their camp dates overlapped several times during the events.
On Wednesday, Oct. 8, Washburn Rotarians enjoyed an informative and very interesting PowerPoint presentation detailing their experiences at the camp. Mena Irving, their teacher and mentor, has worked hard to make this trip a reality and Washburn Rotary feels that SAD 45 is extremely fortunate to have Mrs. Irving as a teacher, noting that she is enthusiastic about her work and students, working hard to given them unique opportunities, such as this, to grow.
Also attending the meeting were several family members and friends of the students.
Upcoming events
On Saturday, Nov. 1, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., the ladies of the United Methodist Women’s group will be holding the annual Christmas Bazaar and Food Sale at the Lidstone Memorial Methodist Church in Washburn. There will be many new craft items to choose from along with a wide array of home-cooked foods to choose from.
The Washburn Rotary will be holding their annual Hunter’s breakfast on Saturday, Nov. 1, from 4:30 to 8 a.m. There will be the usual full menu and meals will be served at the Washburn Civic Center fire bays. See any Rotarian for your ticket, or they will also be available at the door. There will also be fund-raising Washburn Rotary calendars available for purchase.
Perham notes
The Perham Recreation and Events Committee will be holding a bake sale on Saturday, Oct. 18, at the Perham Town Office. More baked goods are needed, and anyone able to assist the Perham Recreation and Events Committee with this, please bring your donations to the Town Office from 8 to 11 a.m. or phone Deb Viola a day or two ahead, and she will pick your baked treats up at your home. 498-3433. All proceeds are earmarked for the Salmon Lake Trail system. Coffee or juice will also be available for patrons to purchase.
Also on Saturday, Oct. 18, and at the same location, the town of Perham will be holding a Rabies Clinic from 9 to 11 a.m. This event will be open to Perham residents only, and only rabies shots will be provided.
Veterinarian Dr. Michael Wolland will be administrating the shots to both cats and dogs and is donating his time, with all proceeds going to the Central Aroostook Humane Society. Keep in mind that dog owners need to have a current rabies certificate in order to license their dogs.
If interest is high and the clinic is supported by animal owners in Perham, it may continue next year with other immunizations provided as well. For further information on the clinic, phone the Perham Town Office at 455-5887.
There are also some winter coats available at the Perham Town Office during regular hours.
Washburn Rec schedule
On Wednesday, Oct. 15, from 2:45 to 4:15 p.m. there will be Fall Cooking held at the Rec Center for grades 3 – 4, limited to the first 14 who sign up.
On Thursday, Oct. 16, there will be soccer practice for grades 5 – 6 at the elementary school fields.
On Saturday, Oct.18, there will be a County Tournament for grades 5 – 6 soccer at Presque Isle.
On Monday, Oct. 20, there will be men’s basketball at the high school from 6:30 to 9 p.m.
On Tuesday, Oct. 28, there will be K – 2 basketball at the elementary school from 6 to 6:45 p.m.
Christie Cochran is the correspondent for Washburn, Wade and Perham. She can be reached at 455-8034 or
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
Space Camp Students and Teacher – Mason Turner, Zach Davis, Angelita Hernandez and teacher Mena Irving got to experience space camp, thanks to Rotary International and the Washburn Rotary Club.
Photo courtesy of Christie Cochran
Michael Ericson, Cameron Bragg and Kenny Irving – Washburn students – work together to plan how they are going to identify the X-Fish species. They are examining the detailed features of different types of fish and determining how they will compare those to their mystery specimen.