Mars Hill expands recycling efforts

16 years ago

Citizens’ participation sought
    A local committee has been meeting since August to review the current recycling program, information and data. The goal is to expand recycling participation to 50 percent by adding to the acceptable recycling items and increasing citizen and business recycling levels. Paperboard such as cereal boxes, shoe boxes and beverage boxes has been added to the list of acceptable items.      

    Current recycling categories include:
• Cardboard and paperboard – Corrugated and paperboard may be placed together. No waxed cardboard, juice or milk containers are allowed;
• Paper – All paper may be recycled in the same container including newspapers, magazines, junk mail, office paper, telephone books, catalogs, white or colored bonded paper, computer paper, manila file folders and photocopier paper. Small household quantities of shredded paper may be placed in with the paper.  Large quantities of shredded paper should be placed in clear plastic bags, then placed in the paper container;
• Plastic – At this time, only No. 2 plastic, clear and colored, are acceptable for recycling. Number 1 and 3 through 7 cannot be recycled at this time, but the committee is attempting to expand into these other plastic items.
    All of the above can be recycled at both the Transfer Station and the Recycling Center on the West Ridge Road.
• Cans and Metal – Aluminum and tin cans as well as aluminum foil can be placed in the can container at the West Ridge Road facility. All cans and other metals can be placed in the scrap metal pile at the Transfer Station; and
• Glass – Clear glass, any color, with lids removed, can be recycled at the Transfer Station. Windowpane glass and mirror glass are also acceptable. Auto glass is not acceptable for recycling.
    The committee is planning to involve high school students to spearhead increased recycling efforts in our school system at all levels. Committee members will canvas all businesses and other larger potential recyclers this winter to increase participation. A communication program will be conducted in the spring directed to the general public. Committee members include Diane Libby, Christina Quint, John Kilcollins and Steve Hitchcock. For more information, contact Steve at 551-5048.
    The East Ridge Union Church will present their annual Christmas Musical on Sunday, Dec. 14, at 3 p.m. at the church on East Ridge Road in Mars Hill. Including singers of all ages, they invite you to include this as part of your Christmas celebration. What a wonderful way to celebrate the Lord°s birth! A time of fellowship will follow.
Library happenings
    Knit or crochet on Tuesday evenings from 5:30 – 7:30 at the library. Enjoy each other°s company while you work on your chosen project.  
    Tuesday afternoons from 3:30 – 4:30 is time for Coco°s Reading Hour. The special time is open to children from kindergarten to grade 3 who are interested in picture books. The children will learn about the library. Readers include Peggy Larrabee and Rita Kingsbury.
Varsity Club – Rotary supper/auction
    The Annual CAHS Varsity Club – Mars Hill Rotary Club supper and auction was held on Friday evening, Nov. 21, at the school. This event was well-attended and the auction was as fun as ever, raising almost $1,000. The clubs would like to extend their thanks to all who donated items and to all who attended the supper and auction.
Rotary Club
    The Mars Hill Rotary Club met at the Aroostook Health Center on Tuesday, Nov. 18, at 6:30 a.m. The special speakers were: Laura Long, Jessica Plant, Kasey Knowles and Shirley Rush – project organizer.  This group is volunteering abroad with Cross-Cultural Solutions – a service learning experience that will change their lives.
    They spoke about the one-week program (Insight Abroad) to Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, they will be attending in February 2009. They will be working in community development projects with infants, children, teenagers, adults, the elderly and people with special needs.  
    They must cover their own expenses for this project and are doing various fund-raisers to accomplish this goal.
Bridgewater Community Club
    The Bridgewater Community Club continues to meet on the last Thursday of each month with some exceptions. The December meeting will be at 7 p.m. at the home of Pat Lenentine on Dec. 18. You are invited to bring canned food to be donated to the local food cupboard. All are welcome. For more information, contact Pat Lenentine at 429-9444.   
Bridgewater Creative Crafting
    On the first and third Thursdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Civic Community Center in Bridgewater, crafters are encouraged to join together to work on various projects.
    Bring your own supplies and projects as you share your knowledge of various crafts. Work together or individually with quilting, knitting, sewing, embroidery, crocheting, scrapbooking, etc. Everyone is welcome! For more information, please contact Chris Finemore at 425-6606 or Melody Goff at 420-4002. Come relax and enjoy yourself as you socialize with other crafters.

    Tomi Henderson is the correspondent for Mars Hill, Blaine, Bridgewater and Westfield. She can be reached at 429-9126 or e-mail     


ImagePhoto courtesy of Tomi Henderson
    NAMED OCTOBER STUDENT of the Month at Central Aroostook Jr-Sr High School was Bridget Garrison, daughter of Steve and Kelly Garrison.




Photo courtesy of Tomi Henderson Image
    MARIAH BREWER HOLDS a CAHS bleacher seat, one of the items being auctioned during the CAHS Varsity Club – Mars Hill Rotary Club auction on Friday, Nov. 21.




ImagePhoto courtesy of Tomi Henderson
    RACHEL DONOVAN holds up a Mars Hill Country Club Gift Certificate during the CAHS Varsity Club – Mars Hill Rotary Club auction on Friday, Nov. 21.




Photo courtesy of Tomi Henderson Image
    KERI PELLETIER, left, and Kayla Demoura hold up a 50-pound bag of potatoes, one of the items being auctioned during the CAHS Varsity Club – Mars Hill Rotary Club auction on Friday, Nov. 21.