2008 Business in review — January through June

Compiled Elna Seabrooks, Special to The County
16 years ago

For the general public, high snow levels meant more shoveling and slower commutes. But for snow-dependant businesses and organizations, the super doses of frozen precipitation this year spread the promise of a busy winter season.
    Arthur C. Markos, president of Savings Bank of Maine, announced that the bank opened a new branch office, at 8 Lincoln Street in Mars Hill, on Jan. 2.
In Monticello, Scott Galbiati and his wife Jessica Jewell announced plans to break ground for a potato vodka manufacturing plant in the spring.
For the eighth consecutive year, Katahdin Trust Co. championed a special Valentine fund-raiser to help fund the American Red Cross – Pine Tree Chapter’s Disaster Relief fund.
A $100,000 gift from TD Banknorth made through the TD Banknorth Charitable Foundation to Northern Maine Community College provided increased access to health care education for residents of northernmost Maine.
Dead River Company and Ferris Oil Company joined forces making Ferris’ heating oil, gasoline and diesel business part of Dead River’s local petroleum operation. Bob Ferris said his two convenience stores in Houlton and Easton will not be impacted by the arrangement and he would continue to operate a heating, plumbing and air conditioning business, Bob’s Plumbing & Heating, from his storefront on Parsons Street in Presque Isle.
The Maine Technology Institute (MTI) board of directors approved 21 seed grants to technology companies across Maine. Over $246,000 was awarded, leveraging more than $343,000 from other sources. Company locations range from Portland to Southwest Harbor and Orono to Madawaska.
Susan Lyons, daughter of Richard and Loretta Lyons of Dyer Brook, director of University Initiates at Harvard University and Harvard Business School, was a recipient of the Marion L. Anderson Award at Harvard’s University Development Office.
After 48 years on the job, one of Houlton’s few remaining barbers retired. Bob Russell, who operated a shop on Bangor Street, started in Houlton after training at a barber school in Hartford, Conn.
Katahdin Bankshares Corp., the parent company of Katahdin Trust Company, reported 2007 earnings of over $4 million, the highest earnings in the company’s history. Net income for the fourth quarter was $1,095,000.
Katahdin Forest Products, parent company of Katahdin Cedar Log Homes, earned Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Chain-of-Custody certification from the Rainforest Alliance’s SmartWood program. This certification enabled the log home manufacturer to offer Northern White Cedar used in constructing its log homes from responsibly managed forests. Presently, Katahdin is the only log home manufacturer in the United States to hold a SmartWood Certification.
Smith & Wesson, a company with one of the world’s most recognizable brands and a major employer in the region, gave a $45,000 contribution to the Campaign for the County’s College.
The Houlton International Building had a buyer. Nearly six months after the Shiretown Development Corporation discussed tearing the building down and scrapping it for metal, two buyers came forward to purchase the 60,000 square foot facility. AKTEM Business Park, Inc. and Transportation Distribution, LLC competed for the property. After more than an hour-and-a-half of discussions, the directors voted 7-2 in favor of coming to an agreement with AKTEM.
Roughly half the employees at New Limerick’s Louisiana Pacific mill were laid off. Mary Cohn, corporate affairs manager for LP, said between 70 and 75 employees were affected by the shutdown and laid-off employees would be called back before the end of the March.
The Maine Credit Union League celebrated their efforts toward “thawing” out hunger in Maine at the January Thaw to End Hunger Celebration Event. The total amount raised in 2007 was $366,575.80, a 15 percent increase over 2006. Every credit union in Aroostook County participated in this Campaign including: Acadia FCU, Houlton FCU, NorState FCU, St. Agatha FCU and The County FCU.


Fazzi Associates, Inc., a national consulting, benchmarking and best practice research firm, named Visiting Nurses of Aroostook a “proven leader” in one of the most important measures of an agency’s quality program – patient satisfaction.  Visiting Nurses of Aroostook had recently received their “Pat/Stat Award of Distinction,” honoring Visiting Nurses of Aroostook as a national best practice agency for patient satisfaction in 2007.
A tractor trailer that was once used to train commercial drivers in southern Aroostook County will now benefit students in two programs at Northern Maine Community College as a result of a generous donation by the Southern Aroostook Region Two School of Applied Technology.
Just in time for the winter snowmobile season, the newly-rebuilt north wing at Shiretown Motor Inn re-opened.     The 17 new units opened for guests Feb. 8. Contractors worked through the summer and fall months to restore that section of the motel which was destroyed by fire in May 2007. No one was hurt in last year’s blaze and firefighters were able to save other sections of the motel, but roughly 19 rooms were completely destroyed.
Houlton’s tax assessor, Laureen Bither, stated businesses would be facing changes in their business equipment tax. For the 2007 tax year, the Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement Program (BETR) was  changed to allow a phase-down of reimbursement.
Katahdin Cedar Log Home’s Web site won a Gold Award from the American Association of Webmasters (AAWM). The Web site was designed and developed by Newington, N.H.-based CrystalVision, a leading web development and internet marketing firm.


Houlton Water Company’s energy rates increased when the new contract rates, at 8.6 cents per kilowatt hour, took effect March 1. When coupled with delivery rates, the change meant customers saw a total cost of 12 cents per kilowatt hour, as opposed to the old total, 9.8 cents per kilowatt hour.
The North Road sporting goods store, MACS Trading Post, went under new ownership. Darrin and Michelle Crane of Hodgdon purchased the store Feb. 28 from former owners Matt and Rebecca Cox.
The Health Services Foundation moved one step closer toward their goal for their Nuclear Medicine Campaign for Houlton Regional Hospital. York’s of Houlton pledged its support of the Health Services Foundation’s efforts with the presentation of $10,000.
F.A. Peabody Co. was one of five businesses honored by Gov. John Baldacci with the “Awards for Business Excellence” which is administered by the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) and sponsored by Fairpoint Communications. The award is designed to recognize companies that demonstrate “a high level of commitment to their community, employees and to manufacturing or service excellence.”
At the Greater Houlton Chamber of Commerce annual awards dinner, new directors nominated for 2008 were Ben Adams from Houlton Power Sports and Debbie Bouley from Maine Fire Prevention Service. The membership unanimously voted to accept both nominees. The membership also voted for the 2008 slate of officers as follows:  president, Anne Callnan from Aroostook Milling; first vice president, Kent Good from Good Floral; second vice president, Sam Henderson from Northern Maine Realty; and treasurer, Stacey Emery from Chester M. Kearney. Carol Thurston was presented with a certificate of appreciation for her years of service as a board member from 2004-07.  Jane Fields was presented with a certificate making her an Honorary Chamber Member for Life for her years of volunteerism and help.
Alex Hutchinson, the new property and casualty specialist with MetLife Auto & Home, who had spent the last six years working in auto sales, opened an office on Kendall Street. Fully licensed to offer homeowners, auto, snowmobile, ATV and motorcycle insurance, Hutchinson said he had a strong response from the community.
Hannaford store officials said fewer than 2,000 cases of fraud were reported in connection with a theft of data during its credit authorization transmission process but no personal information, such as names and addresses, was accessed or obtained.” Carol Eleazer, vice president with Hannaford, said the company began noticing some unusual credit card activity and suspected criminal involvement. She said an investigation with the Secret Service was ongoing.


The Southern Aroostook Trade Show at the Millar Civic Center in Houlton enjoyed high attendance and offered something for everyone. Over three-dozen local businesses, agencies and services had tables at the trade show, with nearly all offering a raffle or door prize. According to Lori Weston of the Greater Houlton Chamber of Commerce, which organized the event, attendance was well over the 1,300 mark of last year’s event.
The Town Council approved a rate hike for cable television service from Polaris Cable Services for 2008. Effective April 1, 2008, Polaris monthly subscription rates went up an average of $1.77 per month, with no increase in the fees for premium channels. The town received $37,093 in 2007 through the cable franchise fee, an increase of $1,726 over the previous term. The figure represents 5 percent of Polaris’ revenues from cable television customers during the year.
Littleton-based Manuel Associates was among the organizers leading a delegation from Northern Ireland on a visit to Maine April 6 to 11. Others involved in the visit include PSM Consulting of Northern Ireland, as well as, several participating Maine organizations.    Virginia Manuel, president of Manuel Associates, said the delegation would review Maine’s creative economy efforts with the goal of building a relationship between the two similar regions.
With a pledge of $50,000, F.A. Peabody Company announced that it was recommitting its financial investment in the Aroostook Partnership for Progress (APP), a private-public economic development partnership. “It is crucial that northern Maine build an economic development infrastructure driven by the private sector yet supported by the public sector on a long-term basis,” said Christopher B. Anderson, president of F.A. Peabody Company, an 81-year-old family-owned business.
In Patten, Eliza Currie, PA-C was named “Outstanding Rural Physician Assistant of the Year” by the DownEast Association of Physician Assistants (DEAPA).


Coastal Enterprises, Inc. announced a $600,000 financial commitment toward an affordable housing project in downtown Houlton’s Market Square planned for fall, 2009.    Residents who meet eligibility standards will pay rents of $430 to $575 per month, including all utilities for the planned 28 units.
Jon J. Prescott, president and CEO at Katahdin Trust Company, announced that the bank will serve as a collection point for area citizens wishing to make donations for the relief and benefit of flood victims throughout northern Maine. In addition to collecting money for distribution to the American Red Cross in its disaster relief efforts for the flood victims, Prescott said that Katahdin Trust Company would make the first donation, in the amount of $10,000, and would match its employees’ contributions in the relief effort.
Houlton Rotary Club presented Hodgdon High School with the “Service Above Self” Award at the annual Student Recognition Lunch. In total, Hodgdon High School participated in 18 community service projects which benefited a broad range of organizations and individuals such as Houlton Regional Hospital, St. Mary’s Food Pantry, Coats & Clothes for Kids through the Salvation Army, local veterans, children and the elderly.
Katahdin Trust Company pledged its support of the Health Services Foundation Foundation’s current Nuclear Medicine Campaign for Houlton Regional Hospital. Elizabeth Dulin, executive director of the Foundation said Katahdin Trust stepped in to assist with a generous $10,000 pledge. They appreciate the role the Foundation plays in assisting our local non-profit healthcare providers with their program, project, education and capital needs.
The United States Border Patrol began accepting applications from qualified persons who want to live and work in Maine. Under the Hybrid Intern Program, interns attend the Border Patrol Academy in Artesia, New Mexico, complete field training and post-academy programs on the southwest border and return to Maine to complete their Border Patrol probationary period. This new program is designed to increase staffing specifically at the Calais, Fort Fairfield, Houlton, Jackman, Rangeley and Van Buren stations. These stations are all part of Houlton Sector, which encompasses the state of Maine.
The Maine Credit Union League, in conjunction with the Aroostook Chapter of Credit Unions and the National Credit Union Foundation (NCUF), launched a safe and secure Web site, www.cuaid.coop/maine, to collect contributions for credit unions in Aroostook County to grant emergency, immediate aid to credit union members affected by the worst-flooding in the region in 100 years.
Mike Hurley, owner of Temple Theatre in Houlton, opened Zippys, a concession stand outside of the Temple Theatre complex. Zippys served burgers, fries, hotdogs, soda and other refreshments. Hurley’s vision comes from a passion he has for the best hotdog in the world.
The family and friends of Dr Ray C. “Doc” Newman honored him with a retirement party for being in practice for 61 years. The party was held at the VFW Hall in Island Falls.


Julie Folsom, CPIW, CPCU, was named Insurance Woman of the Year 2008 by the Insurance Association of Greater Houlton, affiliate of the National Association of Insurance Woman (International).
Irving Oil teamed up with law enforcement officers in Maine and New England for its annual Fueling Dreams campaign for Special Olympics. On May 31 and June 1, Irving donated 5 cents for every gallon of gasoline purchased to the Law Enforcement Torch Run, the largest fund-raiser worldwide for Special Olympics.
The Houlton Community Arts Center received a welcome financial boost from the Houlton Savings Bank of Maine with a $10,000 donation to the fine arts wing expansion project being planned for Houlton High School.
In the June, 2008 issue of US Banker magazine, Katahdin Trust Company was named among the Top 200 publicly traded community banks in the United States with respect to Average Return on Equity over a three-year period, a standard of bank performance which measures sustained profitability as indexed to the Bank’s Equity Capital.
MEMIC recognized Smith & Wesson for its exceptional claims management process and outstanding performance in workers’ compensation.
A new campground opened in Linneus, and in its first week invited a group of Hodgdon kindergartners to the site. Roger and Denise Blake, owners of the newly established Rockwater Camp Ground and life-long residents of greater Houlton, sponsored an end-of-the-year field trip for two classrooms from Mill Pond School. The 45 kindergartners and 10 chaperones visited the area for a day of games and snacks.
The Maine Credit Unions’ Campaign for Ending Hunger presented $17,000 to 33 hunger organizations throughout the state, including two in Aroostook County. It was one of the largest, single-day contributions to multiple hunger organizations ever in Maine.
Orville Boutilier of Boutilier’s Florist filled all six of the Cary Library’s flowerboxes with pink geraniums. Each year the Cary Library and Helen K. Atchison Flowerbox and Garden Society look for donations from local florists to fill their flowerboxes at the front entrance of the library.
Two of the Maine’s largest electric utilities, Maine Public Service Company and Central Maine Power Company, announced plans to invest up to $1.9 billion in Maine’s bulk power transmission system to ensure reliability and support development of wind and renewable energy. The majority of the investment will come from Central Maine Power. CMP will invest up to $1.4 billion to ensure its bulk power grid continues to be reliable.
The Houlton Career Center faced a number of changes due to restructuring from the Maine Department of Labor. The MDOL will no longer have staff on site for their department, however, those in partnerships with the labor department would be available at the 91 Military Street facility. ACAP and the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services continued to provide services, however, the MDOL asked job seekers and employers to contact their Presque Isle office for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Thomas J. Moakler, CEO of Houlton Regional Hospital, was installed as chair of the Maine Hospital Association Board of Directors at the Association’s Summer Forum. Moakler succeeded Peter Chalke, president and CEO of Central Maine Medical Center and Central Maine Healthcare Corporation in Lewiston, who becomes the board’s immediate past chair.
Maine Mutual Group (MMG) presented a plaque to F.A. Peabody Co. June 16 in recognition of the Houlton-based company as an outstanding business partner; F.A. Peabody received the Governor’s Award for Business Excellence in March.
TD Banknorth paid youngsters to read during their summer vacation through a program with the Cary Library.     TD Banknorth sponsored a summer reading program for Houlton children at the Cary Library by donating $10 to each student who participated.