Whoa horse, whoa

16 years ago

To the editor:
    For many weeks now I’ve been reading articles in the Aroostook Republican about the Caribou Chamber of Commerce & Industry.     As a taxpayer, I have read articles week after week decrying their value to this community, along with their supporters, of the accomplishments and benefits to us taxpayers. Well the (1,570-plus) words, written by Mr. Richard N. Cilley, Ed. D., on the above subject has to be answered by someone, and that leaves me.
    The very last paragraph of his article in the Jan. 28, 2009 Aroostook Republican said, and I quote, “Support your local small business by supporting your Caribou Chamber of Commerce & Industry.” This statement is backwards and has been so for many years.
    I am sure as can be as one citizen of Caribou, that we do support, as we can afford, our local and small businesses. As a taxpayer in Caribou, the Chamber of Commerce should not be paid by any of us. (Sorry.) If they need $30,000 extra to run that business, then let the small local businesses pay them.
    This taxpayer could be wrong, but I don’t think the small businesses of Caribou can afford the CCC&I, and if they can’t then this taxpayer can’t either.

Carroll P. St. Peter