Speak up

16 years ago

To the editor:
After all this talk of proposals for constructing a bypass around Presque Isle, it has never ceased to amaze me that the businesses which would be greatly effected have been silent. If the bypass is constructed, much of the north- and south-bound traffic (both cars and trucks) which would have passed through downtown and the north Main St. area, will have been rerouted around the city. This will have a very hefty economic impact on businesses which dot the Main St. corridor all the way from Perry’s MiniMart on the Houlton Road to the Aroostook River Bridge.     Gas stations, fast food establishments, hotels, convenience stores, used-car lots, new-car lots, etc. will suffer from loss of business. It’s light years beyond me why city officials would champion the cause of such construction which would highly likely lead to a heavy loss of business revenue.
Why is the local chapter of the Chamber of Commerce silent in this matter? Doesn’t the Chamber exist to promote local business? Shame on the city council for recommending such a proposal. Shame on the owners of the businesses which exist on the Main St. corridor for not speaking out against such a toxic proposal. I have read only a letter or two in the local paper opposing this bypass.
The Chamber of Commerce should have been in the faces of the city council opposing the construction. And this could be the beginning of a very poor economic climate due to the wasteful ways of the state and federal governments and, yet, your city fathers promote such an project which will undermine to a great extent any future commerce for the north and south Main St. businesses. Part of the reason America is failing is the silence of the majority.
You’d better get going and speak out because before you know it, the bypass project will be under construction. Soon after the completion, through-traffic will thin out considerably and you’ll wonder what happened. Fair warning!
Do yourselves favors and contact members of the city council and express your opposition. Remember, you elected them to work in your favor — to promote you, not to harm you. The next years will be tough ones; don’t allow the city fathers to make it any worse. Speak up by confronting those city fathers and give ‘em a piece of your mind. Otherwise, they’ll have their collective way.
Remember, the word “bypass” means to detour around, circumvent, avoid, dodge. This translates to an immense loss of business. This letter is not simply my opinion, but appears to be the much prevailing opinion around town. Don’t be cowards … speak up. Write e-mails, make telephone calls, write letters to the editor.
If you’d like e-mail addresses of city council members, e-mail me at rgraves001@maine.rr.com or contact City Hall. At the moment, establishments along the Main St. corridor have super locations. If the bypass proposal goes through, those locations will be greatly diminished in value. Fair warning!

Dr. Richard Graves
Presque Isle